I made this fiber post card yesterday for someone special. It will go in the mail today! It's actually a scanned picture of my mono print pear I did last year. I printed it on fabric, did some free motion quilting. Then I printed the pear again on organza and stitched that
on top of the fabric then cut away the organza...added some beading and finished the edges. Hope 'she' likes it!

Playing around with some old black and white (bleached)
shibori pieces I had. One of our ladies in the fiber group attended a workshop with
Sue Cavanaugh . Her
shibori is beautiful and I wanted to try her technique, which is different from what we've done. Sue uses thickened dyes to paint both the dark and colored
shibori pieces, while the stitching is still in. I didn't have any
shibori in b/w with stitching still in it so I just took the b/w
shibori pieces and painted thickened dye
on top of the white areas. I just used some old dye I had in the frig but some of the colors came out pretty nice. I'm still working away on
stitching my larger
shibori piece so I just
might try Sue's technique....

I have had some emails asking what my sewing studio looks like..well, I wouldn't call it a studio but it is my own area. Bob and I had our house built back in '96 and we made sure we had extra windows in the rooms, larger areas in some of the other rooms as well as making changes to suit us. So here's my 'work areas'. I'm in one or both of these rooms at least 4 days a week. I feel like it's my 'job' and one I love, so I don't mind 'going to work' every day!
Yes, I share my sewing area with my two birds and of course our "Mandy" girl. She has her bed (& quilt, of course) next to my sewing table. Actually, she just waits for Grace to throw food down to her! But that's a whole other story. This is a pic when you walk into my sewing room. Check out the hand dyed valances! I dyed this fabric at dye camp one year and never could figure out what to do with it. They brighten up the room..although I should have brightened up the pictures! They appear a little dark.

This is to the right of the first picture. My real work area!

And this is the area behind above pic (as you walk into the room this table is on the left.). I bought this baby dresser (all wood!) at Pottery Barn for under $50!

These are two of my cabinets downstairs in my 'wet' area. The cabinet on the left holds all my stamping supplies and papers. The one on the right is all my fabric paints and dyes, tools, etc. I have one more white cabinet to the left but it just holds all my empty containers for dyeing. I like the white cabinets mainly, because you close them up! and of course the white makes it look a bit cleaner and brighter in the area.

We have the area before our workroom finished and doors that go into this area so if it's messy I can close off that area from view. This is a shot of my work table that I just leave up. I'm in the process of working on a few altered books and from time to time bring some piece of work down to paint or whatever! You can see Bob's tools hanging on the wall behind my table.

This is a picture as you enter the first door (there's another door directly opposite on the right side). And we put in another sliding patio door so that makes it great for taking items outside to paint or whatever. There's another walk out in the finished area and that also helps make both areas brighter. We love our downstairs - both the 'wet' area and our finished space.

So that's where I do my 'work'!
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