The opening reception for the MQAI quilt exhibit was last night and we had a really nice time. I met Carol, Judy and Karen at one of the new restaurants in Flint for dinner then we headed over to the reception. As usual, there was a great turnout to view the exhibit. We have 61 quilts in the show this year and quite a different mix of art work. Something for everyone for sure. My former boss, JET, and her hubby, Chris, made it to the opening. Gosh, haven't seen them often since my retirement and now I've seen them several times the past few months. Hope we continue to meet up and keep in touch.
I still belong to one of the original quilting guilds I joined back in 2001 and I try to attend the meetings and participate in activities when I can. In November, the guild is having 4 mini workshops. My friend, Carolyn, is the program director and I volunteered to do one. Mine will be on rubbings and stenciling using paintstiks. Here are three of the sample blocks I made this week.
This was a commercial fabric..basic white with black design.

I used a placemat to produce the rubbing then I painted the entire piece with Setacolor paint.
I cut the piece into sqaures and made a simple 9 patch block. Not my usual art work but I wanted to show how you could make a traditional block. I did show in a
previous post another sample that I'm quilting. It's not traditional and has more embellishment work on it.

This was a rubbing I did using the paintstiks and finished with half square triangles.

And using the placemat to create a another pattern. This one I'm going to quilt over the weekend and finish off with beading.

It's also date night tonight so I get to see the kids and hear about their first week back to school! I'm also going to dye paint a sample shibori piece I stitched. My large piece is almost finished but I'm afraid to dye paint it until I play with the sample process.....
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