At that time, Teresa was living in California and guess where she ended up moving to a few years ago! Oxford, Michigan! Go figure! Only 21 miles from our house and within 2 miles of the kids! Now I believe in soul mates and all that and I also believe Teresa's friendship was met to be! I mean, come on...moving to Oxford! Teresa married Curtis in 2007 and Bob and I were at the wedding...which was WONDERFUL! Curtis is a very, very nice man and they fit together so well! They are both a joy to be around...a lot of laughter and love. Here is the cute couple back in 2007 at their wedding.

I thank you Teresa for the bright spot in my day yesterday and I am 'grateful for the time I spent with you'. And I'm 'grateful' for your friendship!
I know there's a saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" but I disagree...keep your friends closer and closer!!! Our friends are like family and are so important in our lives and enrich us in ways we don't even realize. Just like our family, friends are part of our daily life that we may take for granted and not fully appreciate. You don't know what you have until it's gone so maybe we need to start appreciating our surroundings more. I know I need to do that.
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Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!