Sunday with Susan! Hmmmmm sounds like a title for a TV sitcom! Although, I'm sure Susan thinks I am a sitcom! Anyway, this is Susan and Harvey (picture is from a St. Pat's Day party we went to in Florida. I didn't get any pics of us yesterday - I did the same thing when Tony and Carol were here last month! I forgot to take pics!). 

This was Susan inspiration for her current work in progress. This is a Tiffany stain glass piece Susan thought would be a great quilt. So Susan made (she doesn't use store bought patterns and designs all her own) her own pattern and developed her own reverse applique method to do the piece. It's almost like a reverse, reverse applique!

And of course this is my other favorite piece, Susan did last winter. Each square is 1" half triangles and there are 256 blocks - ALL different! No two alike. Can you image again the planning she put into this!! I love this piece because of the color? the pattern? the effort? Can't decide but I do love it. I hope she gets to enter it into some more shows.
Here are some additional closeups...check out how perfect her piecing is.
I did finish my Mucha piece and I'll post pics tomorrow as well as pics of Kayla's 'dorm' room!! She's quite busy with lots of homework and of course spending lots of money! But that's college life isn't it! She does sound like she's having fun along with all the hard work so that's good!