Here's finished piece...the small circle on the right was filled in last night. I used some rubbings and a stencil from Tim Holtz along with the oil pastel paintstiks. I've been using these paintstiks and oil paste crayons for years. You can make a piece rather quickly and they do make a nice hostess gift.
Mandy is still going to Hospice and she did really well again on Monday. Funny, if I take her most places, she just drools and drools but when I tell her she's going to "do her job", she just sits in the car very quiet and no drool! Maybe she knows she's going to make folks smile. I just wish Mandy weighed's really hard to keep lifting her up and down...but that's ok...we'll keep doing our 'job' as much as we can.
Our humming birds are on their big trip south! We didn't see any for a few days and they are always at the feeder. Then suddenly, we saw a female. I think she was just stopping on her way south. They have such a long trip it's so hard to believe they can fly that far and make it all the way back to Michigan! Tough little birds!
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Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!