Look who came to dinner! My "Italian" friend, Louisa! In my previous blog entries, I mentioned that Lois Ann
surprised us at our fiber meeting last week, arriving from Italy the day before. She's been quite busy taking care of passport issues, dental, eye exams, etc. but she took time out to come to the house today. We were going to go out to dinner but I thought it might be nicer to stay at home to eat and talk! Which is what we did. So I put LA to work, cutting vegetables, grilling, etc. We had a great time.
Here' is the chef herself, Lois Ann (or better known as Louisa!)

So after our dinner of grilled chicken and vegetables, we went on the computer to look at pictures LA and her hubby have on
facebook. Oh my gosh! What pictures!!! LA lives in
Torino, which is in the upper region of Italy. Being so close to the border of other countries, LA and hubby, Kendall, are able to visit France! and Switzerland! How cool is that! I got to see lots of pictures that were just outstanding of the skiing, castles, fortresses, museums and even some pictures of their home. Which, by the way looks so neat!! Guess there isn't 'grass' for lawns but a lot of ground cover. Some of the roads are SO narrow! Take the bus! The architecture is amazing and the Po River is a sight for watching 'racers' (can't remember what their 'canoe' is really called). LA said folks are quite relaxed and will sit in the parks (throughout the day!) with their dogs and just watch other people or a sunset. And cafes abound! Which would be right up my alley! LA said the coffee is quite good (as is the chocolate!). I really enjoyed seeing the pictures and it made me feel like I had just visited her new town!
LA's daughter, Kara, who is a college student here in the states, has visited twice so I got to see their family being tourists! What fun!
Here's LA on my computer logging into facebook.

Even Mandy wanted to get in this photo op!

LA will be heading over to Canada (she's Canadian by the way) this weekend and coming back next week. She's going to try and 'hook' up with us one day, if possible, to meet up with our original
Aussome 6 fiber group. What a nice evening we had together! THANK YOU, LA!! I really enjoyed the time with you and seeing your new home!
So just to had a bit of fiber. Here's the graduation quilt in the process of being quilted. I ran out of bobbin thread and had to reorder some which I hope will be here by the weekend. It's coming along pretty good. Oh, Robert update...feeling better and only coughed a few times last night. He's on the mend but still congested. Still needs a nurse for a few days!