Monday, March 30, 2009
Good Bye Florida!
Last night was not a good night for either Bob or I. We were both coughing so bad so I went into the spare room (now that my sewing supplies are out of there it's actually a bedroom!). We both continued to cough ALL night...neither of us slept but we didn't feel all that bad today. So after breakfast we packed the car. It's 95% full...just need to get the space saver bags 'sealed' then put in the back for Mandy and the birds. Actually, everything went pretty well today and it was relaxing if that makes sense! Not sure how that can be with cleaning and packing the car but Bob and I are both pretty organized which must make this whole process easier for us.
So my blog will be quiet for a few days until we get settled back in good old Michigan...which we understand has four inches of snow on the ground. Bob had an email from his daughter telling us to stay in Florida (along with our neighbor, our grand daughter and another friend!). I keep telling Bob we should stay another week or two.
So until this weekend sometime...keep us in your thoughts for a safe trip home. Good bye our Florida friends...see you all next year!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Our week of C's! Computer Crash(es)!, Colds, Class and Cleaning!

On to 'colds'..yep, Bob and I both have our annual Florida colds! Not fun at all. This cold kept Bob at home for two days on the couch just holding his head up. I did start my Zicam (which I swear by!) and I was doing well until I stopped using the Zicam!
But then on to 'class'! My friend Susan and I attended a 3 day seminar with Ricky Tims! For you non quilter folks, Ricky is a phenomenal quilter and musician! I have one of his CD's titled 'Sacred Age' which I just love. You have to visit his web site and listen to his music (you can click and hear about 30 sec. of some of his songs that he wrote on his web site). Anyway, back to the seminar it was FANTASTIC! I've never been to a 3 day lecture type workshop but I learned so many tips and tricks and new methods to add to my tool box! I can't wait to get home and try some of his techniques. Plus, Ricky is a hoot!! He's a wonderful speaker and can tell story after story of his life and family. The first picture is from Thursday evening where Ricky performs his concert which was WONDERFUL! He played piano, trumpet and a native American flute! And in between told stories of his youth and how he started quilting - all due to his grandma! Anyway, the 3 day seminar was attended by over 400 women (Susan and I tried to count the chairs!). But you felt like you were getting individual lessons and this was all done in the most organized run seminar or workshop I've ever attended. I would definitely take a class from him in the future and would LOVE to go to his retreat in Colorado sometime.
In addition to Ricky, Libby Lehman conducted 3 sessions as well. This is one of her latest quilts and it was spectacular!! Each circle was cut out to reveal a lighter fabric underneath. She finished it with a 9mm satin stitch (only some of the high end Bernia's have this large of a satin stitch). It was a stunning and beautiful quilt. A method I will be trying this next year.

So now it's Cleaning time! Yep, we're getting ready to head out on Tues. morning to head back home to good old Michigan! Let's hope spring is in the air and we won't have snow upon arrival! We're not ready for any cold, snowy weather that's for sure. I have the back seat of the car already packed up with ALL my sewing and painting supplies; bed area is ready for Mandy and Grace; Mandy had her bath this afternoon (now I need to comb her out! Ugh..that's TV work for tonight!). Tomorrow, we'll pack up our clothes and last minute items and be ready for take off!
It's always sad to leave Florida and our old friends and new friends. Our life is is so different from our life back in Michigan...but I guess that's what makes it so special
Monday, March 23, 2009
Crash! Then Withdrawal!

Back to our lives for the past few days. On Sunday, Bob and I went with our friends Sammy and Peggy to a Antique Car Show and Horse show all in one! The cars were really unique and in pristine shape. Actually, one of the gentleman is from here in the community but is also someone Bob knew from Davison, Michigan. His name is Dick Marr and he has a rare cycle car. You'll have to click on the writeup picture to read about this vehicle. It was really a sight to see. Dick takes this car all over and was in Flint, Michigan in July 2008 at the car show. With the ties back to Walter P. Chrysler, Dick certainly has a lot of history in his family. He was telling us he has blueprints and letters all pertaining to this vehicle. I'd love to see some of that history!

Friday, March 20, 2009
Friday Ramblings

Around 3:30, I was totally finished (& I had packed one suitcase of turtle necks, etc.) so I was ready for a Margarita to reward myself. But being alone, I didn't think I should start drinking already! So I called my friend, Carol in Michigan, who I haven't talked to in awhile. As we were talking, she said "now you can do handwork since all your artwork is packed up". Well, last night, with nothing on TV and not in the mood to read, I got thinking that I didn't keep any hand work out. So....I went through my fabrics and found this piece that Dawn made (it's discharged with bleach, then stamped with hand made stamps and metallic paints). I found a backing piece, some batting, basted it and started to do some hand stitching on it last night!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Frogs Are Traveling!

Pam RuBert was the juror for "A Sense of Humor," which will premiere at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in October. Curator is Pat Gould.
Artists and Works Selected:
Laurie Brainerd -- The American Dream
Judith Busby -- Thanks, Miracle Grow!
Sheri Cooper -- Joan of Park #1
Jamie Fingal -- Molar Eclipse
Monique Gilbert -- No Milk Today
Terry Ann Hartzell -- Jumbo Shrimp
Terry Ann Hartzell -- Sock Poppin' Kickapoo Kangaroo
Beatrice Hughes -- Ties at the Office
Harumi Iida -- Lost Bee
Ellie Kreneck -- At Home with St Jerome and His Lion in West Texas
Pat Kroth -- Sweet
Larrea -- The Dark Side of Quilts
Carol Larson -- Anti-Aging: Chemical Warfare
Salli McQuaid -- Starry Flight
Susie Monday -- Sun Dog and Sea Harpies
Susie Monday -- Too Much Information
V’Lou Oliveira -- Digger's Dream Date
Robbie Payne -- Waiting to be Kissed
Helen Remick -- Walking the Dog
Kim Ritter -- A Snowball's Chance
Joan Sowada -- Late Bloomer Learning to Surf
Joan Sowada -- Busy Purple
Susan Walen -- Self Portrait: If You're Happy & You Know It
Laura Wasilowski -- Threading the Needle
Deborah Weir -- That's A Moray
Marianne Williamson -- Child's
Kathy York -- Duck and Cover
And speaking of frogs...each year in late February or early March, we hear loud (and I do mean loud!) frog noises each night. One year the back yard was covered with baby frogs! This year the frog noise wasn't as bad but still quite loud. We're still hearing them at night but haven't seen too many of them in the yards. This little guy was on the front glass door about a week ago. He sat on the storm door for the longest time and finally moved his little legs close to his body just after I took this shot. Guess he was in for the night! His body is so translucent looking that it's kinda weird looking! Or down right scary!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How the French celebrate St. Pat's day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 16, 2009
Discovery Launch

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday and countdown

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday At The Master Garden Show

Friday, March 13, 2009
One lost day but gardening the next!
"Mum, thought you would enjoy this note from Amber to Mr. Gary…he stopped by her class on Thursday to thank the kids and talk with them about his job in Iraq and also explain how the children of Iraq live and what their school is like. She really enjoyed the time…he had Amber read all the questions from each of the kids and then she walked his Cover (hat) around so the kids could see it up close."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yesterday, Carol and I did some shopping after lunch at Panera's and a stop at Michael's. Of course, Bob was jealous he didn't get to go shopping! Only kidding! So today is working some more on my Musings piece. I must stay home and work on it for sure today. We have the Master Garden show this weekend which Carol and I attend yearly.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So after we were refreshed we headed back to Ocala and stopped at another quilt shop in Ocala, called Tomorrow's Treasures. This quilt shop is close to home and nice to be able to run to. It too is a nice store and a Bernia dealer. I found the 2nd fabric I needed for the quilt which made me happy. So I'm not mentioning Susan's purchases! Yes, she did purchase some great pieces as well. Susan does hand work and hand applique so she picks up fat quarters and some yardage. She has a beautiful stain glass picture that she's going to make into an applique piece this coming summer and she did find some nice fabrics for that. Her current project consists of 256! two inch squares! 256!! It's stunning and she's in the process of getting ready to hand quilt it. Susan will be entering this quilt in shows so I won't post pictures until after her first win. I held back taking a picture because of that. Maybe I'll sneak just one of the squares so everyone can appreciate the work involved.
So that night after working hard fabric shopping, Bob and I decided @ 6:00 p.m. to go to Cody's for dinner...bad mistake...we ate all the wrong food and had Bloody Mary's which felt like they weighed a ton...then last night, Tuesday, Larry and Jan invited us out to dinner again. But actually, we ate 'better' and had a really good meal. I had a Kicken' Chicken salad with black beans, corn, cheese, grilled chicken and it was quite good. Bob had fish and grilled vegetables. We actually ate better and felt good! OK, so truth be known, Larry treated us to Dairy Queen!!! We haven't had a Blizzard in a year so that was quite a nice treat. We had our 'ice cream' treats and nice conversation then headed home. Larry and Jan are so much fun to be around and we're going to miss them along with so many of our other Ocala friends.
Our weather has been just perfect this past week. It's in the high 70's or low 80's every day..clear sky and just beautiful. So that's all until tomorrow. Today is quilting day on my Musings piece...lots of work left to do and I need to have finished by the 3rd week in March!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fabric Shopping Day

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Weavers Guild Meeting

Book and woven piece by Alice Griswold.
A beautiful Hawaii applique being worked on.

Would you believe this woven piece is by the Queen of Purple? Yep, when she was 15! It's her first woven piece.

This is a baby blanket that Betty made.
This is Betty's dishtowel for another weavers challenge. They had to make 27 I believe!