My Favorite Books

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wed. Margarita Night

Another spontaneous decision last night to go out for dinner and where else to go on a Wed. night but El Toreo's for 99 cent Margaritas! YUM! When Bob got home from golf I had veggie lasagna to heat up but he suggested we go out. Back home, we don't eat out but once or twice a month. So why not take advantage of it where we're on 'vacation'. So off we went and we had a great night of just the two of us. We each got a combination plate rather then our usual chicken quesadilla.
Bob's knee is doing really better using the brace. Today, again, he has no pain and wants to go without the brace...but I'm going to nag him to wear it anyway just for a few more days. We'll see!
Nothing more to report. Amber is practicing at school for her spring concert. She said today they are meeting with their music teach for one hour and 15 min. to learn some more songs. I won't be home for the concert but dad or mom will tape it for me.
Another beautiful day here for us to enjoy. We're getting ready for the March 1st countdown on our days left in beautiful Florida!

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Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!