Friday, July 31, 2009
Shot of the day: Troy Matteson's eagle on No. 2

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
LinoCut Online Class: Lesson 2 exercise 2
In this lesson, we are working on obtaining balance in our piece. I took a design from an Architecture drawing book and tweaked the tree a bit. This design really made me take my time and I think the balance of the branches works pretty good. Our next exercise is working on using lines to create movement. I won't get to work on that until the beginning of next week. Just too much going on this week and weekend.
The stamp I cut is only 3" x 5" but I think it will work quite well for a fiber postcard.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday and Tuesday Gone Already!
Anyway, I'm working very hard on my wolves. I had to make some more fused leaves to lay on the background and I did get those fused on today along with stitching some of the stems and sewing on some of the dimensional leaves. Might be all that I do until the weekend.
Wednesday is baby sitting day and Thursday is Bob's and my annual golf outing. Yep, I'm getting on the golf course! Well, actually, sitting on the golf course. We go to the Buick Open every year leaving the house around 6:00 a.m.! I do get breakfast out which is nice and we stay all day! Although, Bob doesn't think we'll do that this year which is fine with me. We usually sit at the same hole all day long and we get to see the golfers tee off and putt. I do enjoy the day and it's our yearly 'golf time' together. This is as close to the golf course as Bob will allow me!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Weekend with the grand kis!
After the library we parked at the festival and kids ate in the back of my car. Kris packed them a lunch so that worked out very nicely. Kids got to pick five things to do at the 'fair'. Nick rode 3 rides and played two games; Amber rode two rides and played 3 games.
Here are the kids eating in the car. Not exciting but we have to journal our adventure from the start! This was one of Amber's ride...she didn't feel so hot after riding it..hence, she only wanted to ride two rides!
This was a ride they did together and they really liked it. Nick rode by himself once too. It started off flat then lifted up and went backwards. Cool ride but not for this grandma. This was Nick's other choice for a ride. He rode it all the way up the entire time.
Nick on the ride by himself. He said the lady behind him kept "screaming like a girl"...hmmmm wonder where he heard that before!
So after the festival and a quick stop at Kroger's we headed home. Kids did some painting and stamping then it was time to 'rest'. OK, rest for me! So downstairs we went and popped in video, Herbie the Car or something like that. Cody was visting for the day and the kids really enjoyed him. Here they are all resting!
Nick switched seats and Cody followed. He shared his time between Amber and Nick. We did take Cody and Mandy for a walk as well. Poor Cody was pooped by the time he left Sat. night! He actually got tired of playing fetch with his ball! I've never seen that happen before!
Next we decided (who decided??) to play dress up. Nick picked out a shirt of grandpa's along with a belt and pair of shoes..of course we had to add a moustache and beard! He looks more like a muscle man here! Cody is at Nick's side just waiting for him! He followed the kids around a lot!
More like Hitler here! Geezzzz
Of course, Amber was our beauty queen! Isn't she special!
And our second outfit! She had lots of makeup on as well..but no beard! Whew!
After bath time and treat, we all finally went to bed! Grandpa and I were in bed by 10 as well! In the morning the kids made breakfast. Nick made scrambled eggs (Egg beaters) and Amber made pancakes! They were being watched carefully on the stove and they did a good job!
After breakfast, we went to the Farmer's Market. Amber didn't know it was outside! She thought we were going inside to shop. A little surprise for her! It did start to rain a little bit but kids used the umbrella. It didn't last long and we saw my friend Mary and her great, grand daughter Carmella at the market too! In fact, I had to bum $5 from Mary! I ran out of money and I wanted to get some granola. It was a Maple Cherry granola from the Bake shop & coffee house in Owosso, Michigan. Really good! We also tried 3 different types of honey and bought 'starthistle honey' by JodiBee Honey Farm in Clarkston, Mi. Also picked up some lemon honey creme that is delicious which is made by JodiBee as well!! Can't wait to try this on a bagel or on pound cake (which the young man suggested).
Friday, July 24, 2009
Screen printing, leaves and approaching weekend
This is deconstructed screen printing which is really a fun process....takes a bit of work but then any type of dyeing, painting fabric takes work. This technique was developed by Kerr Grabowski. She does some wonderful work!! Joetta and Mary both took a workshop by Kerr a few years ago..lucky ladies!
Here are some of the pieces I screen printed last summer. I used some of my hand dyed fabric that just wasn't that great. Addition of the print really made the fabrics more interesting.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
No art work today
I was on Prednisone along with two other RA drugs which only the Prednisone was working. Actually, Prednisone is a drug that impacts the immune system to block it from creating the inflammatory process that causes the pain in the joints. it only takes away the discomfort but it doesn't do anything to slow the process, which is what Methotrexate will do.
Geezzzz I need to spend some major time researching...just can't decide what to do right now. I'm only in the early stages of RA...so maybe I just need to suck it up and deal with it right now...only problem is it even hurts to 'suck it up'! Frustrating for sure..but I'm still in better shape then a lot of folks..need to count my blessings...so onward and upward and get knowledgeable to make the right decision for me.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Lino Cut - monogram - sleeping dogs lie
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wovles in progress
Saturday, July 18, 2009
She's BACK!
Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Some art work
So here's a piece of shibori I've been doing some hand work on. I dyed this piece several years ago at one of our fiber group member's home when we had a Indigo dye day. You can read a description of Indigo here or just google Indigo Dye. It's a very long process working with chemicals (lye for one!) then dipping fabric in the chemicals, hanging up then rediping and rehanging. The more you 'dip' the more intense your indigo fabric is. That's one of the reasons Indigo fabric or clothing is so expensive. Add shibori (mostly hand stitching) and you'll have an expensive piece to purchase.
So my piece was stitched then dyed. I did some free motion quilting then added some hand stitching. Beads are coming next. I'm pleased with the small piece (15" x 25") and I think it will make a nice piece of art work will finished.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
New Friends and Art
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
What an excursion

UPDATE!! Dawn emailed me that she had a message they 'may' have found her laptop. Stay tuned..let's hope!!!!
I'm off for 'root' dyeing today....no, not fabric...my roots! Then to therapy dog visit this afternoon. We're meeting up with a lady who raises Wippets who are registered therapy dogs. She hasn't visited our local Hospice center so we're meeting to introduce her to the facility. Here's just a picture from the web on what a Wippet looks like. I'll have to take my camera and see if she minds if I take a picture of her dog today.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Linocut Online Class
So our first lesson was carving a background stamp and then printing on fabric. Here is my stamp and some pieces I stamped using it.
More fabric (I actually printed 11 pieces!)
And more....