This past Saturday, my bud, Marcia, and I met up to go to the local Farmer's Market downtown Ocala. What a nice market! I was quite impressed...but was so busy looking at the vendors, items for sale and veggies I forgot to take any pics. HA I took these when I got home!
She did unusual glass art work. Check out these horses that stand up! Impressive! The glass colors change, which was so cool. But I was just impressed with this type of glass work.
And these are horse night lights
And check out the horse ornaments!
Newy also had these cat ornaments, which were, again, so cool!!!
After the market, Marcia and I walked around the downtown area and of course had lunch and had the perfect day for eating out!!! I had a delicious Salmon/spinach salad and Marcia had some type of fish wrap. She said it was great as well. Of course, we (OK, I!) had to stop at the local chocolate store for some candy.
Someone has to help the local economy, right!
Whenever we stroll downtown Ocala, we ask why we don't do this more often! It's so pleasant. Love the glass pieces- they are truly wonderful.