My Favorite Books

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thanks again, Harry!

I mentioned in a previous post how much I love receiving my Christmas card from my buddy, Harry!  I've saved every card he's sent me (you can read/see my previous post here).    I just love this year's card too!!!  Isn't it great!  I can see so much in this card...sure would be fun to use as inspiration for an art piece wouldn't it! 

Thanks, Harry!! 

And, no, you haven't sent me this one before!!!

Today, I did the final scrubbing of Gracie's cage.  I like to have it nice and clean so when we come home, she can go right in her cage.  I use Press 'n Seal to cover the edges of her cage base, which really helps in keeping it clean too.  I've found this a lot easier to rip pieces off her cage and replace rather than having to scrub it daily!  Works for me!  I also made some sugar cookies today and did a load of laundry.  Kalee and I made a run into town and did some walking in Davison.  Cold...cold...cold!!!  We still have about an inch of snow but it's drifting because of the high winds.

Tomorrow, I'll be making some dishes in preparation for kids coming Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I do love having everyone over!!!  It's always hard to say good bye to the kids and especially to my best bud, Amber!  Nick could care less that I was leaving, although he has shed a few tears through the years as well!  Always makes me feel good and bad at the same time!!  With SKYPE and being so busy in Florida, the time does go by quickly. 

So off to read some blogs and get ready for the Lions game!  They play @ 7:30 tonight!  Which is me all day tomorrow to finish off my 'to do' list!


  1. Have a lovely holiday!

    Funny, I feel the same way. I often think about going someplace warm for the winter. But I would miss everyone terribly at the same time.

  2. Lots of inspiration in the images on this card! Enjoy your family visit. Sounds as if all is nearly ready for your trip south.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!