First, Mandy had company this weekend! Her buddy Cody! He is so good for Mandy and keeps her on her toes! Plus, I know she enjoys the company. Here they are keeping an eye on the neighborhood!

Two years ago, I made several beaded bracelets based on the pattern by Margaret Ball. I have Margaret's book, Embeadery, and it's great. Check out her website to see some of the wonderful beading she does. I use her book often for stitching in my art work. I love any type of hand work and the beading just adds to a finished piece. At least in my mind!
Here's one bracelet I made. The base is a very fine ultra suede.

I love doing hand work and find it hard to just 'sit' and watch TV. So I thought I'd start some more bracelets. I had two pieces of beige ultra suede (you need one for the backing) so here's my start. I'll post pictures later this week on the finished piece. It's actually drying right now and all I need to do is add the closure(s). Here's the start using a Herringbone stitch.

And the binding is on Lenore's piece. I do need to put a sleeve on this and then I'll take to our Library here in Goodrich.

Here's the back of Lenore's piece I finished. It shows all the stitching in it. Bob actually likes this side better then the front!

Another beautiful day today! Sun shining and very pleasant. 47 degrees around 7 but it's suppose to be in the high 70's again today. No humidity so that's fine for me!
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