My Favorite Books

Friday, June 5, 2020

Where have I been???

Please look at the paragraph with the 'red' update.  See what happens when you "rant" and don't proofread!  

 RPSA (Robbie's Public Service Announcement) 

Where have I been???  What have I been doing??  I honestly am not sure...I do know it is an even worse time than  just worrying about the covid-19 virus with all the protests, looting and ugly verbiage going back and forth on social media.    Honestly, it's hard for me to hold my tongue but I realize it won't do any good to get in a 'contest' with some folks, for example, on FaceBook.

How is it people can be so nasty with regards to their political choice!  Isn't it just that...a choice!  We are allowed to have our own 'choice'...that's why we have the right/privilege to vote?  I have some acquaintances on FB that are downright nasty in their comments.  To make matters worse, they are some of the same folks who like to post items from 5, 8 or even 15 years ago without even checking the dates....let alone verifying whether the 'fact' is true or not!  And heaven forbid you let them know that their post has been proven to be a 'false' written statement.   That's when the 'pissing' contest starts!

I admit I did not vote, nor would I vote for Mr. Trump.  That's my choice...I will honestly try not to post anything negative, nasty about this man.  But, by the same token, if I read something I have researched to be true or false, I will let you know that and I may comment.  And, yes, I did vote for Mr. Obama, twice.  He is not a Muslim (and what difference if he were!  It's the extreme Muslim that you need to worry about and Obama didn't kill us, did he).  I am so sick hearing about his birth certificate and his being a muslim!   Honestly!!!!

I have also voted for Bush (George W), Clinton, Regan, Carter......I do not vote for a party...I vote for the person!!!  So, stop all the nasty, intimidation posts saying a Democrat is terrible or a Republican is terrible!

And now there's the protesting, looting and back and forth on who did what and why!  My heart hurts with what is going on....I respect the police, I respect Black folks just as I respect White folks.  I do not judge you by the color of your skin!  I judge you by who YOU are!   That's it in a nutshell!  Are there bad police?  Yes!  Are there bad folks who commit crimes?  Yes!  Are they black?  Yes!  Are they white?  Yes?  This was a TYPO...instead of a question mark, it should have been an "!" !  Are there other colors than black or white?  Yes!!!  Do they commit crimes?  Yes!  I know this topic isn't as simplistic as what I'm stating here.  There are and will always be bad people and they come in all colors!!!!

So, how do we change?  We get involved!  Get involved in your community!  Get involved in politics!  Run for office!  If you don't like that's going on, stop complaining!  DO SOMETHING!

So what's the point of this post...just to let me have a platform to vent.  And it's my blog, which I print out yearly, so I can say what I want, when I want!  Just like I can vote for who I want!  So thank you America!  Land of the free and if you want to keep it free, VOTE, RUN FOR OFFICE, GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND FACEBOOK AND DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE!


  1. It IS your blog and vent away! As my husband says, you can't change those who have drunk the Kool-Aid and in my life confrontation and argument are simply not worth it. I agree with your sentiments of getting involved and WORK for a better America. Let's hope we can emerge from this tumultous time with high values and ethics in place!

  2. Wow. "Are they white? Yes?" you question this when you posit that all other colors definitely commit crimes. Perhaps this was a typo, or perhaps is was a choice.

  3. Oh for crying out loud! If you don't like what you see scroll on by folks!

    1. Yep, that is what I do, Gayle! 😉 but I can still rant about all the nonsense. HA


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!