My Favorite Books

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Squash Book!

What's a Squash Book, you say?  Well, I didn't know either but some of the ladies in my online MIP class showed a few posts on the squash books they made.  I was so impressed with what they had created, I just had to try to make one!  So, that I did!  I found a Youtube from Maymay Made It and her instructions were so easy to follow!  I even signed up for her Face Book page!

This is the front cover...the book measures 5"x5".

But it's what's inside that is interesting!

And the back.....

This little book reminds me of the exploding box my friend Jan did and the one I made for Amber's graduation.  Although, this is SO much easier and smaller...but you could make any size you wanted.

And I was able to use my papers from Hillary's class!!  Woohoo!

Of course I had to do a quick video just to show how it opens!

Here's what the book looks like when it's open all the way.

And just a close up of each section..

Check out the YouTube link above and I bet some of you will end up making one as well.

I think this will be a good graduation gift for Nick in 2 years instead of the exploding box.  I can put pictures on each of the sections.

And, I didn't with this book, but you can also add papers to the back of the book so that gives you lots of areas to cover!


  1. I have been looking for something unique to teach the kids at Blue Lake this summer, that can combine a print project and a sewing project. You may have shared the best idea I have seen yet! Lovely, lovely. Thank you!!!

  2. This is wonderful! I've made a couple of squash books and they are such fun and a great place to showcase your prints. It's quite amazing how many surfaces there are to cover when you use both sides- it can take awhile. Your idea of adding photos is a great one.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!