My Favorite Books

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mono printing with paints!

Last week we were still playing with mono printing...this this time we are using paints.  Because I'm conscious of spending $$'s - of forget that...I'm just cheap and have all these acrylic 99 cent paints to use that's what my mono printing was done with!  I'm quite happy with the results...but first, this is how we decided on what to print on our medium.

Hilary had us pick out some pictures that we either liked the color or shapes in the photos.  I happened to have in my "Hilary" folder, some old pictures from an old calendar.  These are the two I used as my inspiration for printing.  I loved the colors....

This was the first mono print I did.  We used a palette knife to apply our paints  You can see how thick the paint is...I actually got two prints from this attempt - pics which follow.  I tried not to apply it as thick when doing the rest of the mono prints.

Here are the before and after prints, after meaning I applied dye to color in the white areas..  These will most likely be used as background pieces or some will be perfect for stitching.

These two are on fabric.  All the rest are on paper.

And have to add a great grand baby picture...this is Boscoe with Rilynn!!  How sweet is this!


  1. Adding the dye really makes quite a difference in the overall feel of the pieces. Always fun to see your printing. Do you have a preference- fabric or paper?

  2. Oh, and the baby with her guardian is really a cute photo!

  3. I've never tried mono printing, but I like your results. I may have to give this a try!


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!