My Favorite Books

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Hex Horse Saga Starts

I mentioned in a previous post that I wasn't sure how to handle keeping tract of my horse hex pieces - creating my horse background fabric.  It hit me the other night that I needed to make a template using my hex printed sheet(s).  So I printed out about four sheets with the 1" hexes on them, taped together than  laid my horse pattern on top.

I traced my horse on top and thought it looked pretty good...but then...yep, always a "but then" moment isn't there!!

I thought the hexes looked too retraced turning the, there isn't much difference and I don't know what I expected...I wanted the hexes on the face a certain way so the body had to follow...anyway, here's my pattern..yea, looks confusing but the 'real' horse is in dark blue marker.  I can tell...

So next up I'll continue to make about 20 or more hexes, then I'll start to lay them on top of my paper pattern.  I'm thinking I may use a little spray adhesive on the paper template so the fabric hexes stay in place.  This way I can take row by row to sew the hexes together.

Whew!  I think I have a plan!!  Now to execute it!  

This week is the 4-H fair but our little girl scrapped her foot on Friday when Brody ran into her in the pool area.  Kris took Amber in to urgent care yesterday and her ankle was infected and swollen.  She's on antibiotic's and has to keep her foot up for 24-48 hours.  Poor's also suppose to rain on Tues. so we're looking at heading to the fair on Thursday.  We just need to make sure each of their friends can make it.  Keeping my fingers crossed...we've not missed a fair since Amber was 2 or 3 years old!!!  Hard to believe we've been going that many years (Amber will be 15 in August!).


  1. Good planning for assembling the horse.....though daunting to me. I know it will be fabulous with you and your needle!!

  2. Very creative thinking with the hex paper.

    We haven't gone to the fair for a couple of years, but of course the kids don't miss it.

  3. Problem solving is part of the fun- looks like your solution will keep you ahead of the game. Hope all goes well for attending the fair.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!