My Favorite Books

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gifts! might see this post twice..hope not...anyway, before I get into the gift portion of this post. How about the picture above. Look's a gift from the big guy up above! They are some of our wonderful creatures what visit our bird feeders. Wild turkey's. Bob counted 11 but I don't know how many you can see. I love seeing these birds!! Makes me not want to eat turkey!

OK, the first gift is from Bob's son & his family. Check out the flavors of these grilling sauces! Yum!! We were debating about taking them or one to Florida but we actually don't grill out in Florida! Go figure, right! Larry did have a grill if I remember but we didn't use it at all. So guess we'll save these 'treats' for next spring! Bob and I both love chipotle flavor and of course the bourbon sauce sounds great too. That was very nice of the kids to send these. They're from Harry and David so if you interested check out their website.

Kids will be driving up from Indiana this week but we'll miss seeing them. They're heading over to Holland to stay at MJ's mom's house. I sent their gifts over and they arrived safely! Bob's daughter and hubby will be here Christmas Day and my kids will be here Christmas Eve.

So, check out this beaded ring I got! No, it's not my BD. My friend Carol T. saw it in Pier1 and said she thought of me and my beading. It's really a cool ring but I think it's more for Florida than for Michigan! HA

I did wear the ring to our luncheon last Thursday but none of the ladies said anything unless I start flashing my finger! They were probably just thinking..oh boy, now what did she do/make! Anyway, it was a nice gift from Carol and I will wear it again!

My BFF who lived across the street from us moved our west a few years ago. You can see a picture of Lynn here on my blog post. Lynn has now settled in beautiful Arizona and lovin it. While she lived here, Lynn was always giving me wonderful beaded earrings and bracelets she made. I haven't bought earrings in years! I have some very special pieces from Lynn and think of her often when I wear any of her jewelry. I miss her LOTS! Anyway, this beautiful pendant arrived in the mail the other day! Isn't it beautiful. I love it and it will go with lots of my outfits since it definitely is in my colorway!

And check out my latest gift! This is from our neighbor, Lori. It's a music box/ornament! Cody, Lori's dog, was visiting Mandy and grandma (ME!) and I opened the package and held the ornament in front of them. They were both spooked! So funny. I finally put it down on the carpet and Mandy was curious enough then. Although, knowing Mandy, she thought it was food!

1 comment:

  1. Cool gifts, but you know me---I am looking at the turkeys!
    I had one right across the road not long back--female I believe. She took off across the yard and I was yelling *Run girl, RUN!*!!! I'm not sure when turkey season starts, but I think they should just let them be. Wild turkeys are amazing birds!

    Bird Brain


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!