My Favorite Books

Saturday, May 8, 2010

BJB progress

More progress on my BJP for May. It's coming along...once I finish the stems, I'll start on my flowers. I'm still debating the color of beads to use and I think I'll try peyote for the petals.
I'm also getting addicted to Netflex! Yes, I admit it! I have my laptop in my sewing room so I just download a movie to watch while I'm sewing or beading! It's just like listening to one of my books on tape/CD except I get to see pictures at the same time! sometimes I miss a part and have to go back but I love it! There are even 'old' movies (black&white) that you can instant download. For $8.99 a month it's great! Bob and I have even watched two movies on DVD that I ordered but he usually falls asleep. At least I get to see some movies that have been on my 'get from the library' list!

So while watching a movie yesterday, I also made this fiber postcard for the Queen of Purple. Most won't recognize what the picture is on the front of the card but if you look at my blog post here it might make sense.

This is the scanned in picture I took of the shuttles. I printed on purple fabric and also on ExtrvOrganza; quilted the organza on top and finished the card. Jan should get the card early next week.
So today is cleaning and laundry day. My cleaning is done and now I'm starting on the laundry. In between, I'll bead some more. I want to play with making petals using the peyote stitch so this might take a few practice pieces before I get it right! It's really, really windy today and rainy. A good day to stay in. Oh, it's also Dawn & Jeff's anniversary!! Happy anniversary kids!!! I'd post pics but they were married before the 'big' digital days of taking pics!
Mothers Day, Auntie and Amber are making breakfast for Kris (my DIL) and I. Isn't that nice! Amber loves spending time with Auntie and they are just building on their relationship day by day. It's so nice that they are close.


  1. The echo quilting on your beaded flower makes it look as though it is standing firm amidst a stiff breeze.
    Love the way the beading is coming. And your Queen of purple is awesome!!

  2. Those beaded leaves are looking great! And ditto everything Quilt Rat said.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!