Yep, yesterday we were under the Big Top! Chrysler employees and their families got to spend a fun filled day at the Auburn Hills headquarters and we were part of the 40,000+ who were there! Yes, over 40,000! Dawn started her new job as manager in the Learning/Development area with Chrysler this past spring, hence, Darrin, Kris, Amber, Nick and I were able to enjoy all the events yesterday. Dawn was a volunteer in the a.m. so we met up with her around 11:45. We headed up to the cafeteria where they fed everyone free! We had our choice of hamburgs, hot dogs, veggies bean burger (it was really good!) and chicken tenders! Even on the grounds there was free pop, Gatorade, water and ice cream..oh, also snow cones, cotton candy, Carmel corn....food galore!!
So here are some of our photos as we enjoyed a great day of fun, laughs, some disappointments (Nick missed the motor cross bike demos - but I did find 3 videos on line and sent to the kids to show him!). It was so much fun being with the kids and I just loved seeing some of the unique areas where they build, test and design the cars! I'd never have an opportunity to do this so I took advantage of seeing everything I could. Bob would have really enjoyed these areas as well but he just couldn't have walked. We WALKED all day!! through the entire complex!! I was pooped when I got home and a little sore as well! But it was well worth it!!
You have to check out the video I'm posting at the bottom. It was a 'clown' who was a hoot and quite talented. check it out!
Fun-filled and interesting event. And it looks as if the weather was cooperative. What a good opportunity for you and family.