My Favorite Books

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter & other ramblings!

Happy Easter! Here's two of the grand kids back in Michigan enjoying their new 'shades' the Easter Bunny gave them today! Kids are off to meet Auntie and Uncle Jeff to have brunch at Kruse & Muer. They do have a wonderful brunch and all the kids love it!

Amber and her mom were busy yesterday baking cake and cupcakes! I took all three of these pictures while we SKYPED this a.m. Not bad for taking them from the webcam.


So yesterday I attended my last Weaver's meeting for the winter! I will miss all the ladies! Our show and tell was started off actually with me, but you can read my other blog posts to see my 'stuff'.
Dianna didn't have show and tell but was quite excited from attending the FTWG conference the end of March. She said she's so psyched and can actually read some of the patterns from her weaving magazines now! I can't wait to see what all Dianna produces this next year! You go girl!
MaryLou didn't have show and tell either but did share her excitement at attending some opera's that are simulcast in Gainesville! That's one of the reasons we haven't seen her at our meetings recently.
Queen of Purple was up next and before I get into her fun time at is a beaded bracelet she made. Not sure I heard her correctly, some of the teachers stayed after school or was it at the conference? anyway, it was a really pretty bracelet. Click on the picture to see it up close.

Here is a beautiful shawl Jan made from one of the workshops at the FTWG conference. Very soft and a different yarn (at least to me!). And in purple, go figure!

Of course, Jan was given her own personal name tag at the conference. Each lady rec'd a name tag. You'll see Pat's later. A classy touch I think.

This is a sample from a mini workshop Jan attended called a Dragon Boat. It's open just to show how it's made. The teacher gave Jan the sample. A project for next winter for our guild??
Here is Jan's finished Dragon Boat. Note the colors and pattern.
This is a bowl (I think that's what you would call it) Jan made a few years ago and do you notice the pattern and color of the paper? In the mini workshop the instructor ended up using some of Jan's papers she had woven before! Small world isn't it.

Last month Jan showed some of her towels she made for the FTWG towel exchange. We were lucky enough to each receive a copy of the instructions for Jan's towels she made. Each person in the exchange made a copy to hand out with their towels. Jan brought her book with all the samples in them to show us as well.
Here are some of the towels Jan received in the exchange.

Pat K. (who was our host for this month! Thank you Pat!) also attended the conference and had a great time at the weaving workshop. sorry I don't remember which class Dianna and Pat took.
Pat did also take a bracelet class but that didn't turn out so great only due to lighting and because she was a bad girl (not really!) and was put in the corner which complicated learning/seeing/doing that much more! But Pat does have the instructions so I'm sure we'll see the finished product at a future meeting!

We all know that Pat K. is an angel (you need to read further down on why I know this a fact!)...and she was also an 'angel' at the weaver's conference and was given these really nice note cards with woven fabric insert on each for helping out in one of the workshops.
You have to see these in person to really appreciate the woven inserts. Click on the picture to get a closeup.
This was Pat's name tag. I'm still impressed someone made all of these name tags. I think Jan said there were over 100 made! And she thought by one lady! Whew!
These are some really cool earrings Pat bought at the conference.
This is some silk/alpaca yarn Pat purchased. Really nice. I could see knitting a few hundred lace scarves with it! At least I think there's enough yarn for them!

Pat McL. brought us goodies and the blueberry/orange bread was delicious! I didn't stay for lunch so i don't know how good the cookies were but they sure looked good!
Pat has been busy making place mat's and a table runner. These are the colors and different patterns she ended up doing.
I believe the one of the far right is the table runner. They are really cool together! Quite nice and I love all the different patterns.
Our Theo had busy hands giving away some books (which I did take one! Thank you, Theo) and other items. When she was finished with her handouts, her hands were busy making gloves!
Theo just got back from France (if I remember correctly) and is now off for 3 weeks to India! Is this a busy lady or what!! Have a great time, Theo!!

So now to talk about my 'angel' Pat K.! During our meeting, Pat mentioned that she saw some wood blocks for printing at an antique shop in Dunnellon. Well, I could barely contain myself and sit through the meeting! but I did..I just didn't stay for lunch and had to head out to see these wood print blocks.
I wasn't sure where I was going and I did call once to say "am I going in the right direction", which I was. Turns out I knew exactly where the store was at! Carol and I have gone to this store and the other antique shops in the downtown area just about every year! But not this year!
I was also lucky enough to spend about an hour walking around the rest of the town and looking at all the sidewalk vendors. What fun! Too bad I didn't have one of my gal pals with me but I enjoyed myself.
For those who might want to go, here's address.
And here is where I found the wood blocks!
I bought two of them. One a fish block...
And a butterfly!
Aren't these great! I was going to stamp with them today but don't think I'll have enough time. Now you know why Pat K. is my angel! If she wouldn't have thought of me when she saw these & remembered to tell me about them I'd go home without these prize possessions!! THANKS, Pat!!
Bob should be home from golfing early and we have things to do, places to go and people to see! OK, not all that but an enjoyable day to look forward together. He golfed early (8:15 a.m.) so he'll be home early. So I'll hold off on my art work until tomorrow.
Anyway, see what you ladies miss when you don't attend a meeting! FOOD, FUN and FRIENDSHIP! Again, Happy Easter to my family and friends!


  1. OMG...where to start!
    Welcome home, I want some of the Peep cookies, or tarts, the weaving is amazing and the great find has to be the wood blocks!!! I think I would bite nails in half for some of those!
    I'm off to the blah business of housework, laundry, and finishing putting up the studio. Pffft!
    Go least one of us should!


  2. Wow! you've been busy! I can't wait to see what you do with those blocks -- they're fabulous!

  3. Oh my gosh, you've been so busy since I've been on medical hiatus! I can't wait to sit here and catch up. :D

  4. Oh my, the paper and fabric woven bowls make me drool... I've always been fascinated with simple paper weaving but never took a class to find out what could be accomplished with it. These bowls are amazing.

    And you lucky thing, scoring wooden stamps! I can't wait to see what you've done with them. :D


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!