Here's a picture of the CCC fiber group that met at our house for our annual Christmas Party! We were missing Karen who was sick with a cold and/or the flu and Lois Ann who is in Italy.
Back row: Debra, Joetta, Mary and Marty
Middle row: Joyce, Carol, Elsie
Floor ladies: Chris, Michelle, Judy and me (I'm holding the phone pretending it's LoisAnn..she called us from Italy!).
Back row: Debra, Joetta, Mary and Marty
Middle row: Joyce, Carol, Elsie
Floor ladies: Chris, Michelle, Judy and me (I'm holding the phone pretending it's LoisAnn..she called us from Italy!).

Here are some bookmarks I made for the ladies. I try to make a new bookmark each year. But I'm running out of ideas! I used a stamp my friend, Carol, from Florida gave me last year. I love the stamp! Thanks, Carol!
So here are some pictures from our 2009 construction/snow fencing challenge! We were each given a piece of this fencing and here are some of the creations. I'm missing one photo of a bookmark my friend Carol made but I'll upload as soon as she sends me the picture.
This is a 'dye bag' Michelle made! She's the one who gave us all the fencing last year at our party. How cool is this! We are just curious as to the size of the dye pot she's going to use! More pictures of that in the spring at the dye camp weekend. Should be interesting!
This is a purse that Joyce made! How cool is that!! Joyce is our bargain finder lady! If there is a estate sale or bazaar, Joyce will find the 'finds'! Her lace she used came from one of those sales. Who would have thought of a bag!
Our international member, LoisAnn who is residing in Italy right now, sent a quilt she made. Actually, she made 3 or 4 of these pieces! Her husband thought this was the best one. She cut away some of the circles from the fencing. Clever and actually an art quit I'd hang somewhere!
Of course our Mary did one of her great art works. This is a journal size piece that she screen printed and stamped (I believe). She did machine and hand stitching on this. Click on the pic for a closeup. The pic is a little blurry but you'll get to see some of the work up close.
And this is my book cover I made from deconstructed screen printing with the fencing. Then the fabric was free motion quilted and beading added.
Our winner of the challenge was by Joetta! Congrats!!! She made a great book out of the fencing and used the fencing for stenciling onto paper. That's a closure for the book in the center! Joetta makes some of the best books around. I'm talking about leather bonded books! She also teaches bookmaking. Wonderful work and well deserved on the use of the fencing!
These are just some of the pages in her book.
Another page from the book.
This is Chris' 2n piece. It's mud cloth that she stamped with the fencing! I didn't get a picture of the entire piece which is too bad. It's a great piece! Chris taught mud cloth at one of our meeting last winter (of course I was in Fl. and didn't get to participate!).
So all in all we had a great time as I said. It was nice to just sit and talk and see all the show and tell everyone had. We didn't have to worry about rushing through show and tell so we could do a project which was refreshing for a change. Maybe we need to have Christmas in July! Just have a food night and show and tell...hmmmmmm Sounds like a discussion item for when I get back from Fl. It's 68 degrees out right now! Can you believe that! I have widows opened and Mandy and I already took a walk earlier. It's just beautiful outside! One of the last of the nice days I would think..but it's Michigan so who knows!
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