A few weeks ago in Hilary's online class, we were playing around with creating and possibly using silhouettes. I posted about some pics I was using as well as a silhouette I printed on transparency film. I used it to overlay on top of a paper collage which you can see here: crow transparency overlay.
One of the ladies in our online group suggested I get a thermofax screen made and that's what I did! Actually, I had two screens made by June Dunnewold's online service. I have to say they were great at making sure the jpg I sent was going to work properly and then quick service!! I was dealing with K Wayne and this person was fantastic!!! I definitely would recommend their service if you want some thermofax screens.
Here is the willow thermofax screen (I had both images made in two sizes - 5"x7" and 8"x10" - finished sizes)
This is the crow screen better known as Bill's Crows, HA.
Hilary did suggest (after seeing some of these prints) that I should have had a reverse image as well. DUH! I may have to dig into the old grocery $$'s and get each image in reverse!
I decided to play with the screens and almost forgot what to do or, really, what to use! I started off with some paint but decided to use my thicken procion dyes instead. Of course, I/we always have some thicken dyes left don't we!
Sure...I figured I'd just go for it and print on top of one of my paper collages...wrong!
Not a good result but I can use paint and brush in areas to make the image better. At least I think I can!

This was another painted/dyed paper I had. I only printed on this piece twice. Not bad....just playing.
This was a screen print/overdyed paper I wanted to try printing on
OOPS! Well, I did get one area covered!!! I'll try to over print on this one. The paper is coated with a wax type material to keep the dyes on the paper from running. I think that's the reason I didn't get a good print. But really...who washes their paper collages! HA
This was the larger screen used to print on paper.
I mixed some blue along with the black and I really like the image. These were the smaller screens printed on 9"x12" layout paper.
These were printed on some old soda soaked fabric I had in my dye room. I'm hoping the image will keep as sharp as it looks now but to be honest, because I wasn't thinking! Or remembering...I didn't batch these...I just laid the fabric out to dry. Guess we'll see when I rinse it!
This was the willow screen I used. It printed out very well too.

Next up I decided to print on another paper collage...
I had better results with these print. Now to extend out the trees and branches using paint or a paint stick?? Who knows...but I'm on a roll!