My Favorite Books

Friday, May 17, 2013

Yep...still here...just busy!

Yes, I've been busy sewing...but can't post pics since it's for a challenge and I don't want folks to see before the reveal, this isn't for the Out of Asia challenge...this is for a 12"x12" exchange with five others.  I do have a sneak, peak picture at the bottom of this post!

Check out our Lancelot Crab tree that we see out our front door every day!  I love this tree!!!  It is ever changing from red berries to flowers to green back to was only suppose to get a 6-8ft spread but you can see it's far past that!  Just a beautiful tree!!!

So, here is my sneak peak at my 12"x12" ' might recognize the's from my mono printing....I'm happy with the results and hope the other five ladies will be as well!! have to check out this YouTube if you haven't seen it!  What a hoot!!!  You need to listen all the way to the end!!!  Listen closely as to what "Dancing Nana" has to say!  Love it!!


  1. Beautiful tree with the changing scenes of blossoms to fruit to leaves. Your sneak is gorgeous. How could anyone not like your beautiful fabric creations?!! Wonderful Weekend Dear...

  2. Gorgeous tree! Love Nana- hope she doesn't need that life alert button around her neck after that! I missed what she said though.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!