My Favorite Books

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A few more tries at Mandala dyeing

If you stare at it, you can see the lines!!
 I tied 3 more pieces today, after visit to dentist...another story...and dyed these up.  It's 89 degrees out (only 83 in Ocala, Fl. when we checked!) so the dye set quickly out in the sun.  I placed each piece in a baggie then inside a foil tray.  Each piece was REALLY hot when I took them out. 
I won't get to play with any the next day or two but hope to again.  I need to order some proper tools!  Then look out!
Keep staring! 

1 comment:

  1. These just get better and better. I like the sharpness of the design.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!