So I wonder if 'unbeading' is like 'unsewing' or 'reverse sewing'...either way that's what I did for hours yesterday! This is my JuneBJP and I thought I wanted the yellow in between the scales..but I didn't really like I 'unbeaded' and then I beaded the smaller fin and didn't like that so that also came undone!

I finally decided on the color of beads I wanted to use and ended up might have to click on the picture to see it does look a lot nicer in 'person'. The face will be beaded with just free form straight stitching.

I showed this piece I had quilted and painted about a week or two ago. This is the front and..

This is now the back of it! I made a mask of the fish then rolled paint on top of the stitching. I painted the fish on Sunday just using fabric paint. This piece will go in my Art Diary once I get the binding on it.

I'm still making the peyote rings! I showed my friend Mary my rings today and told her I'd make one for her. I really have to get to know my camera better! Colors just don't seem to work out. This ring is for Mary and the outside edge has one red bead and the inside is a coral. The picture looks all red! We're having our small fiber group meeting tomorrow so I'll finish sewing the ends together once I know it fits Mary (I'm bringing my beads in case I need to add or take beads away). I'll also make the other ladies one after I measure their fingers and let them pick the colorway they want.

And I made another one this afternoon for me! I have a small (four bead) in these same shades of blue but I wanted a wider one for myself. They are so much fun to make even though it's a little hard on the eyes to see the beads!
Such a productive post! I really love what you have done with both your beaded fish and the quilted fish. The painted fish on the back is abrilliant idea!
You do such gorgeous work. Painting motiff on the quilt back is really perfect idea. I always like a quilt that is not plain on the back.
ReplyDeleteYour bead work is coming along great. In quilting we call that stitch the "frog" stitch. As in "rippit, rippit" The fishes are looking so good, the painted one as well as of course the beaded one. I want to make a ring! I have everything I need except the time. But those rings must take hardly any time at all, surely I can find time for one little ring!
ReplyDeleteRobbie the fish is fab, and i agree, the pink looks better than the yellow did. Lovely, excited to see him when he's completed. :D
ReplyDeleteHello Robbie, I also like to make the peyote rings, their are nice little present, aren't they.
ReplyDeleteThe quiltings with the fishes are very nice and the idea with the pearls never saw this before, so felicitous combination in colours!