Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010
Just one of those days....
Anyway, this piece was the start of fish for June..this is the same fish I did for my BJP June piece and I was just playing with different colors.
For the back, I just masked off the fish then used a brayer to roll on some fabric paint.
On to my next adventure this a.m. I wanted to print out on fabric a photo in poster printing (which I do all the time!) but for some reason, my printer wouldn't keep the option when I'd print. hmmm What's up with that! So I tried my hubby's printer...no dice, fabric actually got stuck once so I quit that in a hurry. Ah, my printer downstairs always printed perfectly in poster printing so I'll go there. No dice! Fabric stuck in that one too. OK, one more printer left..the wireless we use in Florida, it always prints perfectly on fabric...well NOT TODAY!!! Geezzz I won't even tell you how many pieces of fabric I ruined (although, I'll do something with them - waste not want not!). So, I guess it's just not meant to be. I wanted to print on fabric and do some thread painting and I still might. I tried muslin and the bamboo cotton...I usually print on sateen or fabric that I've used digital ground on. Because I was going to thread paint I figured I'd just use something cheaper..
So to use the wireless printer I had to use my hubby's laptop. He's been complaining about not being able to upgrade to AVG's latest version so I tried to upgrade for him...nope..no dice..so I uninstalled that and reinstalled Norton 360...he usually doesn't like Norton because it's always running in the background (but it's a safety feature!) so we'll see if he notices it. I might be back to square one on that too.
So now I'm off to take Mandy for her vet check up and had something in my tooth while driving. So I grabbed one of my picks (of course every girl carries these, right!) and guess what! It gets stuck in my tooth! Now you'd think I would have learned a lesson because this happened to me one other time..but NO, I have to do it again. Here I am driving down the highway with this
So I think I better quit for the day...maybe it's margarita time! It sure isn't time for anything else I want to do!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Who is peeping whom?

This is a blip from the article:
The victim reported she was giving her cat medicine and noticed what she described as a "fleshy mass" moving on her deck. She screamed and ran into the living room. Her husband noticed something on the deck near the kitchen window. The husband then observed the backside of a completely naked man.
The suspect is described as a white male, heavyset with visible fat around his waist area, about 6 feet tall, having a hairy back and lower torso, shaved head with dark stubble showing. The suspect was naked.
Is it just me or did this couple get a really good look at this guy! So who was the 'peeper'!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Weekend underway
Last night was our CCC (Complex Cloth Club) fiber meeting. During our show and tell, one of our members showed a pillow advertisement. I did go to their web site just because I was curious as to who would pay $125 for one little cushion! I have to say they have some really nice, unique pillows. In fact, some of the pillows look like they'd make a nice quilt design! hmmmmm
We did have a really interesting and relaxing meeting! We always start off with show and tell which is quite nice and last night wasn't any different. Dye camp was two weeks ago so we had lots of hand dyed fabrics to look at. Some great designs and colors.
After our S&T, our technique for this month was a Water Color Play Day or Holistic Art Workshop, I'm not sure which title Marty wanted! (Each month one member presents a technique for us to try.) It turned out to be quite a relaxing technique. We were supplied (by Marty!) with herbal treats (I think it was cashew peanut butter, wheat bagels, dark chocolate and alkaline water) and then she showed us some breathing techniques and then we played with watercolors. I'm not into drawing at all or using my watercolors to actually paint something but Marty made us all feel quite relaxed (could it have been the oil we sniffed? Oh, I forgot to mention that didn't I!).
For our first exercise, we were just to paint on our paper anything! So I did! This was my first piece.
Our next exercise was to paint a 'shape'. I honestly couldn't think of a shape to paint! I was going to do a triangle but then decided not to...my friend next to me started to do one so I didn't want her to think I was that lame that I was copying her! OK, I don't know what shape it is either..if you turn it, someone said it looked like a cucumber..maybe..but it was fun to do.
We were suppose to bring a piece of fruit, which I forgot, but my friend had a pear and an apple with her. The last exercise we were to use Sharpie's and draw (ugh...scary for me!) our fruit or draw an object. So i elected to draw the pear. You can see my small pear on the right which is outlined. It looked so sad by itself so I added the other two. They suggested I color the background..well, duh! I didn't think of that. See, I said i don't draw or color! Gosh, how bad am I! It's a wonder I can put fabric together to make my art quilts!
All in all we had a really, really nice evening..relaxing and exactly what Marty wanted us to have. She did a great job.
Today I've been struggling with creating a design for a gift I need to make. I literally worked ALL day and I think I've come up with what I want to do. I'm almost afraid to sleep on it because for the past four days, every time I wake up and start to work on it I change my mind! Maybe I'll think about my green pears instead and what color I want the background to be..that should keep me up tonight!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
WIP's in artwork and life
So this was my start on my tube, which was beaded while watching our beloved Tigers baseball team. Of course!
And this is a sneak peak at my South of the Border piece for the MQAI exhibit I'm working on. It will have lots of hand stitching and some beading (duh!). I've had it sandwiched and started the stitching a few weeks ago but haven't worked on it lately. Time to get busy on several WIP's (works in progress) I have. I've been waiting to see if I could get permission to use a photo for another South of the Border piece. It's a great picture but no word yet and it's been over 4 weeks..guess no permission is coming...
Also, on Beth's blog, she had a post showing a video that changed her life. I can't tell you how many times I have watched this video now!!! I love hearing the gentle, calming voice of Brother David Steindl-Rast and actually listening to his words...he talks about 'today' being a gift to us....and our only "appropriate response to this gift is gratefulness". Our time here on earth is like a WIP (work in progress) isn't it. I hope you enjoy this video and thanks to Beth for sharing on her blog.
Monday, June 21, 2010
A Fish Story
OK, so back to my beading....here's a closeup of the fish. Sybil is actually black and blue (and not from the cat) so my hubby asked why I didn't do this fish in those colors. I told him I had started on this fish way before Sybil came into our lives. I just did some free form beading on his face, attached a button for the eye (a first for me!) and used Delica's for the body and lower fin beading in the fish bone stitch (appropriate!) and bugles for the lines on the top fin.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Banner Quilt

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Bead Artists

The next bead artist you really need to check out is Kate Boyan at LivingBeadWork. Kate uses beads the same as a painter uses paints! Her work is also spectacular. I'm just amazed at the depth and detail of her work. Both Beth and Kate are true artists and I'm so inspired by their work. I know if you just take a quick stop by their sites you will be as well.
Geezz..I'm not even showing my beading today! But I am showing my KISS challenge. Dijanne presented a challenge to her blog readers to create a 20" x 20" art quilt using only two colors or fabric but as many colors of thread work - but - only using straight stitching, no machine embroidery stitching. This is my finished piece. I think I only showed some areas of it a few months ago. Dijanne is going to post our finished pieces soon. I can't wait to see what others have done.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just another busy week
Amber was in the "Willy Wonka Jr" production this past weekend along with the Super Singers from Clear Lake and Oxford elementary schools. Here's a picture of the performers (Amber is 3rd in from the right). Amber played the 'grandma' of Willy Wonka and got to speak all her lines while laying in bed! She did a great job and didn't miss a beat! Plus, I loved her night hat!
Of course our 'boy' was getting a little antsy since this was the 2nd performance he'd seen. But he was still good! This was during intermission! I do have to give a big shout out to their music teacher, Peggy Mueller. She did a fantastic job leading these kids!! Well done, Ms. Mueller!!
Saturday was also dye camp for our Complex Cloth Club. Each year we have dye camp for a weekend so you can leave the mess at dye camp and not your house. This is the cabin and surrounding area where we can set up clothes lines and tables outside to paint or dye.
And here it is after I painted some black dye on it. It's now downstairs 'cooking' with some blue and cranberry dyes I painted onto the white areas. I'll post pics later this week of the end result on this piece. This piece is only about 25" x 25"
This was a red piece that I had stitched..looks pink but it really is RED.
On this one I mixed up a Robin's Egg blue and a Brilliant Blue and painted the entire piece.
This is a closeup of an area. I'm actually pretty happy with the way this one turned out. It's roughly 22" x 36" so a nice size.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
In Memory of Father "Tony"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Wolves are traveling!

Beautiful day here in the mid 70's with constant breeze. bob and I are sitting in our mama/papa bear chairs watching the Tigers! I'll get my beading out once I look at some blogs...I haven't read some of my regulars in a few days so I have to catch up on their work!
Monday, June 7, 2010
I finally decided on the color of beads I wanted to use and ended up with....you might have to click on the picture to see it better...it does look a lot nicer in 'person'. The face will be beaded with just free form straight stitching.
I showed this piece I had quilted and painted about a week or two ago. This is the front and..
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Where's baby's chair?
I'll only be at dye camp for a few hours as Amber has her school play that Sat. I'll leave dye camp and head over to Dawn's to get cleaned up and then we'll go to the play together. Should be a fun afternoon.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Class Act!

Ok, I'll go back to beading! No other art pics today!