We're packing clothes and loading up the car today. Everyone is ready, even Mandy! She follows Bob and I around and, of course, Grace is screaming already! Our Florida neighbors always know when we are in town, when they hear Grace! And they do hear her! So this will be my last post until we get settled in Florida. Be good my little ones! Gram will be posting pics of Jack and Nicki (stuffed animals kids gave me to take to Florida!). See you in the spring!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
See you in the spring!
We're packing clothes and loading up the car today. Everyone is ready, even Mandy! She follows Bob and I around and, of course, Grace is screaming already! Our Florida neighbors always know when we are in town, when they hear Grace! And they do hear her! So this will be my last post until we get settled in Florida. Be good my little ones! Gram will be posting pics of Jack and Nicki (stuffed animals kids gave me to take to Florida!). See you in the spring!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Some Christmas presents to look at
This is a wall hanging I made for MaryJo for Christmas. This one can replace a piece I made her a few years ago. It's machine appliqued, hand embroidered and free motion quilted.
This is a table topper I made for Kris this year. It's a hand dyed piece I did that was folded and wrapped with rubber bands, dyed and overdyed.
I made this wall hanging for Dawn from pictures she took in Italy. I painted the background fabric then played with the photos in PhotoShop Elements. I printed the pictures onto tissue paper (yep, tissue paper) and on organza. I was given newspaper from Italy which I transferred onto the background using a gel medium. After everything was dry, I machine quilted and then added some embellishment using my hot glue gun. Look at the detail to see the glue around the edges of some pictures. I colored the glue with some embossing powder. I think it's a nice remembrance for her of her Italy trip(s).
Here's detail of Dawn's. Look at the glue around the edges of the prints.
Well, our countdown has REALLY begun now! We're leaving on Sunday so it's time to start packing up the car. We had a nice visit and food with Diane and Don on Christmas Day. I did manage to get all my decorations packed away so that's behind me too. So here are some pictures of the Christmas quilts/presents I finished this year.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Very Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Countdown to Christmas!
For this piece I scanned in the large pear mono print I had made, reduced it to smaller size, then printed it on a piece of organza. I sewed the pear onto my background piece, trimmed the pear, then embellished it with beading. Fun to do.
Amber called yesterday morning to tell us she lost a tooth. Actually, she 'removed' it on her own as she said it was bugging her. Darrin or Kris are supposed to take a picture of her so I'm anxious to see our little girl minus a tooth.
It's 8 degrees and gray so today will be a good day to cook, after I meet some friends for coffee that is! Starting to get ready for Christmas Eve with kids and Christmas Day breakfast with Diane & Don (Bob's daughter and hubby). At least we'll eat good before we head to Florida! OK, so we eat REALLY well in Florida and we eat out often! So different then when we are in Michigan. But that's why we feel Florida is like a 3 month vacation. You do things that you don't normally do at home! Five more days and we'll be on vacation!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Some Stats for winter past...
I was looking at my journal for 2007 winter temps...December 19 & 21st it was in the high 30's. We still had snow on the ground but 30 degrees seems like fall compared to the zero and single digits we're having now. On Dec. 23rd, 2007 it was 40 degrees @ 7:00 a.m. but dropped to 20 degrees by 5:15 p.m. Oh, today's temp @ 8:00 a.m. is 14 degrees. Enough for winter stats. We're off to WalMart and Mandy has her 'hair' appointment today. Lucky Girl!
I found this saying and thought I'd pass it on. I don't know who wrote it so until I 'google' and find out who it's by we'll just say 'anonymous'.
I found this saying and thought I'd pass it on. I don't know who wrote it so until I 'google' and find out who it's by we'll just say 'anonymous'.
'In order to have a friend, you must be a friend'
Sunday, December 21, 2008
You build it and they will come!
OK, so we didn't really build anything except an 'invisible' sign that says 'Food Here!'. These deer came calling last night. If you look closely at the the first picture, you'll see a huge, 10 point buck! It was starting to get dark but you can still see this fine animal. Click on the pictures to see a larger version.
The head of the pack!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Just a tease
Here is a partial look (left corner) of one of the 9 fiber post cards I've made recently. This is for the Fiber Art Valentine promotion that is held yearly. I'll be posting pics in February but this is just something to look at fiber related. I have many, many projects to work on in Florida and
I'll be posting pics then.
It was ZERO out at 7:45 a.m. today! Bob is out snow blowing now! With all the wind and blowing snow yesterday, it just didn't make sense to work on it then. Today there isn't any new snow, it's just plain COLD and another snow storm is due in on Sunday! Hard to believe that winter won't be here until tomorrow! One thing for sure, we'll be watching the weather closely for next weekend to determine if we leave on Sat. or Sunday! We've been fortunate not having bad weather when we leave for Florida but there's always that first time!
Friday, December 19, 2008
More snow pictures
Winter Wonderland
These are pics from our downstairs looking out back and are for our Florida friends (in case they forgot what snow looks like!). Yep, it's a Michigan Winter Wonderland for sure. It started snowing here about 5:00 a.m. and it's supposed to continue through late this afternoon. We've already had a few inches and expect to get up to 8-10. Dawn is in Baltimore and not expected in until 8 tonight. Hope she makes it!
Looks like it will be a 'stay in' day for both Bob and I which is just fine with me. One of the perks of retirement, we don't have to go out!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Now it does look like Christmas!
We did get over 4 inches of snow so it's back to looking like Christmas here in Michigan! It's only 21 degrees but I don't expect it to get too much warmer. It's my babysitting Wed. with the kids...my last Wed. for 2008. Next Wed. is Christmas Eve and we'll have a wonderful time with presents from Santa. Now I'm getting excited for Christmas or is it Florida!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like....
Spring? Not! It's only 17 degrees but if you look out our windows there's no snow! How deceiving! It looks like spring! But it's Michigan and more snow due tonight. The wind was just terrible yesterday making it feel more like below zero weather.
No art work yesterday, just a lot of running around doing errands. So here's a partial picture of a panel I did along with five of my fiber friends last spring. We each made a panel of an underwater theme and this is my panel. I'll post the entire quilt tomorrow for all to see. We were lucky enough to be juried into the IQA Festival this past fall in Houston! What a sight to see our quilt hung with quilts from all over the world! Exciting. My panel was made up of painted applique pieces and the turtles were printed using InkAid precoat, then free motion quilted. I love InkAid precoats to use for printing on fabric. Retains the colors of your print so well. Enjoy!
No art work yesterday, just a lot of running around doing errands. So here's a partial picture of a panel I did along with five of my fiber friends last spring. We each made a panel of an underwater theme and this is my panel. I'll post the entire quilt tomorrow for all to see. We were lucky enough to be juried into the IQA Festival this past fall in Houston! What a sight to see our quilt hung with quilts from all over the world! Exciting. My panel was made up of painted applique pieces and the turtles were printed using InkAid precoat, then free motion quilted. I love InkAid precoats to use for printing on fabric. Retains the colors of your print so well. Enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Friends & Dye Day
As far as Dye Day..no, not fiber dyeing...root dyeing! My roots! It's 37 degrees and all the snow has melted! Seems like spring, doesn't it! NOT! Very windy and temps will be dropping soon. But I'm off to some leisure time and then dental cleaning.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Date Night & one piece of art
No pics today of date night! I forgot my camera! Darn! Date night with grand kids was great fun! Arrived around 4:00 p.m. and we started to decorate a gingerbread house. While the sides were drying, Amber made grandma her famous chili while I heat up ravioli for Amber and Nick. After dishes, we tried to finish up the gingerbread house but it kept caving in! So we decided to just decorate the roof and try again the the morning. Then we made Ina's Stickie Buns for Sunday breakfast. Next was playing with some molding clay. Amber and Nick did this while I just watched! At 7:00 p.m. I was ready for a cup of 'joe' and to sit! But, we were all in our PJ's by this point, so Amber said we had to play Monopoly then Nick wanted to play CandyLand. Which is what we did! Whew!
Darrin had to go into work at 5:30 this a.m. Poor kid! I know he was tired last night and I'm sure this a.m. as well. Kris made us a nice breakfast of scrambled egg beaters, turkey bacon and of course we had our stickie buns. They were pretty good. All in all it was a great night with the kids and I had a nice visit with Kris. She's getting ready for a Christmas Party at their house today with friends. She's a great hostess and I know they'll all have a good time. Didn't get to see Dawn this weekend as she's busy with taking pics @ the Salvation Army Camp's Christmas Party. She leaves this afternoon for Baltimore for work. Busy as usual.
It's in the high 30's right now so snow is melting. Supposed to get in the mid to high 40's tomorrow. So I'm off to do some cleaning and work on some more Valentines cards. I'm playing with painted, fused tissue paper and painted fusible webbing. What fun!
Darrin had to go into work at 5:30 this a.m. Poor kid! I know he was tired last night and I'm sure this a.m. as well. Kris made us a nice breakfast of scrambled egg beaters, turkey bacon and of course we had our stickie buns. They were pretty good. All in all it was a great night with the kids and I had a nice visit with Kris. She's getting ready for a Christmas Party at their house today with friends. She's a great hostess and I know they'll all have a good time. Didn't get to see Dawn this weekend as she's busy with taking pics @ the Salvation Army Camp's Christmas Party. She leaves this afternoon for Baltimore for work. Busy as usual.
It's in the high 30's right now so snow is melting. Supposed to get in the mid to high 40's tomorrow. So I'm off to do some cleaning and work on some more Valentines cards. I'm playing with painted, fused tissue paper and painted fusible webbing. What fun!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Date Night
It was 18 degrees this a.m. with high in the 30's today and 40's and rain tomorrow! You just never know with Michigan weather that's for sure. So for some eye candy today, the picture above is a small quilt doilie (it's what I call me small pieces) that I did this fall. I actually cut into my quilted piece then beaded around the cut out circles. Scary to cut into your quilted work but I liked the results. I hope to do more of this type of work in 2009.
Friday, December 12, 2008
You Know You're Getting Old When....
Well, aren't we just the social butterflies lately! Another late night of dinner and conversation with friends. We did have a delightful evening but...you know you're getting old when the conversation is about "we just installed a $500 toilet". "It's higher then normal and so easy to use" (more info then I wanted to hear!) and then there's the conversation about installing "a hand rail" and of course the usual medical conditions! Yikes! I've become my great aunt! I just had to laugh thinking of the conversations at our table last night. Bob and I have been so fortunate with our health (so we stayed out of that conversation!) but it is interesting on where we focus our energy at this time in our lives. For Bob, it's golf (which is a good thing!). Keeps him active, mentally challenged and out of the house (ha). For me, it's the grand kids and my art. We are blessed and I do thank the 'big guy' for all we have. It's a 20 degree morning and we should reach somewhere in the mid to high 20's. Some slight snow falling but no accumulation today. I did make two more fiber cards yesterday just to keep me busy! Can't wait to show them in February!
The quilt pictured above is one Dawn Marie made a few years back after attending a workshop by Debra Danko. I quilted it for her along with four other pieces for her Christmas present last year. She did a great job on the piece but now her interests are in digital photography which is just as impressive as her art quilts.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Late Night! (for us that is!)

We attended one of Bob's friends installation into the Mason's as the Worshipful Master for 2009. I'm not familiar with organizations like the Mason's but I have to say I was impressed by the 'event'. The installing office, James Williams, was fantastic! This man had the entire presentation/installation memorized! We aren't talking about a 5 min. deal here. His part took over an hour to install all of the officers and he did so with such emotion and elegance. Mr. Williams explained each officers responsibilities and the symbolism associated with their installation. All in all it was a very interesting experience.
I did complete another fiber post card (can't show pics until after Feburary - you never know who might get one!). I'm really on a roll this year with ideas for my Valentines post cards. Too many ideas! So here's another card I made last year. Just so you have a picture to look at!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Another sunny day..NOT!
Wahoo! It's in the 30's this a.m. and rain! We do have a slight ice covering on the ground but we didn't get more then an inch of snow last night. UP got upwards of up to 8". I'm all packed up with my fiber, paints and dyes for Florida! Am I ready or what! Now I'll go through withdrawal because I don't have anything to work on. Maybe I'll make Mandy a new quilt for the couch!
I am in the process so of knitting another silk scarf with beads.
This is the one I just finished with the silk yarn I bought in Houston. The pattern is pretty easy to follow and I like the lace effect. I'm off to wrap Christmas presents!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Count Down
19 degrees today and gray but lots to keep us busy in the house to prepare for Florida and Christmas! We are still trying to figure out exactly what day we are leaving for Florida. We're able to get into the rental house early so arriving even a day early will be nice. Bob's always in a golf tournment on the 1st of January so this way he can 'practice' a day ahead. We're now looking at leaving on the 27th or 28th and heading to Indiana to see the kids then head to KY then Macon, Ga.
Finished working on some Christmas quilts yesterday and actually made a small 'doilie' quilt for our neighbors dog! We watch Coty for them and he needed a quilt for his dog crate. He's a hoot and has lots of energy to keep Mandy on the go! Check out the video of them playing! Yep, Mandy does play! I'll be posting pictures of the quilts I finished after Christmas.
Finished working on some Christmas quilts yesterday and actually made a small 'doilie' quilt for our neighbors dog! We watch Coty for them and he needed a quilt for his dog crate. He's a hoot and has lots of energy to keep Mandy on the go! Check out the video of them playing! Yep, Mandy does play! I'll be posting pictures of the quilts I finished after Christmas.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A wonderful 12 degrees this a.m. with over 2+ inches of snow yesterday! Had one of Bob's friends over for dinner last night. Made Rachel Ray's great Turkey Meatballs with Spinach and Cheese . Although, I did make a 'low fat' carrot cake which wasn't that great. Well, at least it was low fat! So, here's some 'snow' from our deck. Only 3 more weeks and we'll be off for sunny Florida!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
And we're off and running!
OK, so I'm conforming and starting a blog! To start with it will be for family but eventually I'll be adding some of my art quilt and fiber work. Just gotta go with the flow! Heck, now maybe I can stop writing in those hard cover journals! And the kids and just check on my blog instead of getting emails interrupting their day! OK, so I don't email them that often but you get the drift. So we're off and running!
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