My Favorite Books

Friday, September 8, 2017


When I posted the finished Mr. Blue, I included a time lapse animation from semi start to finish.  Beth (from Quilter Beth's Blog) ask how I did the animation.  I thought it might be fun to share this easy technique with my readers!

First off, I use Google Photo's to store all the photo's from my phone (Samsung), so that's the application I use to store, print, blog or create animations with.  (There may be other apps that you can download but this just works for me best.)  With that said, you can create your animation either on your phone or your laptop/desktop using Google Photo's.

1) Head off to Google and click on 'google apps' upper right corner.

2)    Click on the 'Photo's' icon (3rd from the bottom on my screen).

3)   You should now see all the photos that you are on your phone.  Once on this page click on 'CREATE' on the right side.

4) Next click on 'Animation'

5)  Now you select the pictures you want in your animation.  Clicking on the picture will highlight a check mark in blue.
 Keep in mind to scroll to the 'oldest' photo first, if you're creating a file of a project/technique from start to finish.

6) Once you've selected all the photo's you want, click on 'CREATE' again!
7)  You see this on your screen.

8)  And there you are!!  Quick and easy!

I honestly wasn't sure I could include animations in a blog post but the app creates a 'gif' file which can be included in posts!  Who knew!  Hope you give it a go and create your own animation!  


  1. Thanks for that info. Neat trick.
    xx, Carol

  2. You are so talented and I love to see all yoiu create. Such a cute animation! And I am not even Smart phone savvy nor do I even have a Smart phone. I prefer to remain in the dark ages. LOL

  3. Cool. I thought you were some super special alien person. So glad to find out it is just super special phone knowledge!


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!