Today I finished the touch up on the deck. Bob painted the floors on the deck the last two weekends. It actually wasn't bad since this year he/we got smart and he used a long handle with a roller on it! Wow! What a difference! No more painful knees! Although, I did have some pain today doing the touch up in the corners. it only took me about two hours to finish all the touch ups so that wasn't bad at all.
We also had some rust from the sprinkler system on our white (plastic) fence which I removed today. Mr. Clean eraser works great on everything! I did use some Clorox spray in addition to the eraser so it was a good combo.
Wed. is babysitting day with grand kids which I do look forward to. We're going to play some more 'minute to win it games' and go to the library for a program called, Star Lab. It's a portable, inflatable Mylar StarLab which sounds to be be interesting. So nice to take advantage of these programs. Kids have seen clowns, magic shows, jugglers and now a Star Lab..and it's all FREE! Grandma likes that too!
Wow, this is amazing Robbie!!