Grass doesn't grow under my feet! This past month we've been working on getting our local library set up for our book sale, which was last weekend! And it was a great success....lots of work selling books for 3 days but we may look at doing that again in the fall.
We are also very organized now...all books on the shelves around the room are alphabetized by author! The fiction books on the tables were put in boxes designated by alpha character so it was easy to find favorites authors. We had lots of compliments on the way the sale was set up and organized.
One of our volunteers, Amy (who is also a bigger U of M fan than my hubby!) is a great resource and our book sale leader! She's done so many book sales and certainly knows what works...she and I are both a little 'obsessed' about having things organized so we work well together!
I am so happy...this was a quick replacement but I love, love my new car! I traded in my Envision, which I loved! This is also an Envision but the Avenir model! It does everything!!, and I mean everything, except make my coffee! It will parallel or back in parking on its own! So many safety features, which is really nice for us old folks driving! HA Seriously, the safety features are so good for any age. I don't see using the parallel parking or backing in feature but hubby and I will test drive this just for the fun of it!
So that's it for a quick update! I'm still here...still busy...still enjoying life!!