My Favorite Books

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Yep, it's cold enough to stay in!

This is what we woke up to the other morning!  Yes, that is minus 4 degrees!!!



It is beautiful out and I don't mind being stuck in the house.  Gives me time to work on projects!  I did meet Donna for lunch out and some grocery shopping on Friday.  Only problem, I complained the entire day about my back hurting.  And hurt it did!  UGH.....1-10 it was a 15!

I am making progress on my lace T.  I have quite a ways to knit the body and go back and knit the sleeves but at least I am past the lace work!   So I don't need total concentration!  ALTHOUGH, last night while watching the Olympics I noticed I dropped a stitch!  YIKES!  But I was able to pick it up with instead of  'untinking'!  Actually, this is a real term knitters use (I just found this out!)'s 'knit' in reverse..get it!

So now I'm working on the disperse dye quilt top.  I free motion quilted around each of the purple leaf patterns.

Then I'll start to hand embroider inside them for the stem and veins.

This is one area that I did some embroidery stitching on....

And another area.....

In case you don't remember, this is the quilt top before I did any FMQ or hand work.  So this should keep me busy at least during the daytime while keeping warm.  Knitting, I save for nighttime while watching TV and the Olympics.  

1 comment:

Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!