My Favorite Books

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Busy Week


We've had so much rain lately and  temps in the high 80's this week I had to take advantage of the cooler temps and a few days of no rain.  Deck painting time!  Actually, it's been four years since I painted the spindles and Bob repaired and replaced some of the wood on the deck.  Seems like we just did all that work. 

So that's been my week!!  After living here for over 25 years, I decided to count the spindles on the deck and the front porch!  There are 35 on the front porch and 175 on deck. Just sayin!

Yep, Kalee on the left and Gigi on the right had to oversee!!

These are the stairs down to the back yard area.  Those white Rubbermaid rockers have been with us for 30 years!!  Hard to believe...even though made with a hard material they are so comfortable!  I sit there almost daily at some point....letting girls out or just sitting and resting after pulling weeds!  HA

This is the lower deck area heading to the back yard.  I have these pics in reverse order..

So next 'job' will be bringing in the lawn ornaments, cutting back a few bushes (I don't cut back a lot of my plants) and then pull weeds for the last time this summer/fall...we need to get ready for bagging leaves!  Another one of my favorite things!!!  NOT!  


  1. That's a lot of spindles to paint! But they look so nice and white.

  2. You have just convinced me that if I ever have a deck installed I need to have non-maintenance spindles! I can't imagine scraping and painting 210 spindles! The deck does look beautiful!

  3. Spindle duty week! I bet you thought you'd never get to the end. Nice work.

  4. Good grief……what a task….you are my hero!!


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!