My Favorite Books

Monday, April 3, 2017

Yep, I'm still here!

This is the time of year, or our winter, that the weeks go flying by.  Of course, the month of January always seems so long to me but then the days start to fly!!  And so, now our count down begins!  We are planning to leave the last weekend in April.   I always have mixed feelings on leaving.
Sad to leave our Landlords!

 Sad to leave the 'gang'

My art friends!

My sister!

My bud who rides shotgun with me on my outings!

And so many other friends here in Florida.....

But I am also looking forward to seeing family and friends back home!   Besides,  I have a lot of lunches and dinners to go to in Michigan!  How else do you say "Hi, I've missed all of you!"


  1. Let me get this straight. You are now in Florida. And you're going back to Michigan. Voluntarily?

    Most of us lifelong Southerners always assumed people lived in Michigan because they didn't know there was an alternative. Could it possibly be that Michiganders are tougher than Texans? Boggles the mind, that.

  2. I totally agree the days and weeks are flying by. Seems like you just arrived in Florida. By these photos you certainly have two times the fun with friends and functions...both in Florida and in Michigan. Enjoy every minute sweet beautiful lady...<3


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!