My Favorite Books

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A little playtime

I was tidying up my stack of supplies on Monday, as well as packing up supplies for a playday next week when I thought...hmmmmm...why not play with some rubbings....actually, I had some white fabric and a piece of screen print that was a  tad bland...good pieces for rubbings.  So...what else to do but play!

We are going to work with alcohol inks on fabric next week and I thought this quilted piece would look better with a different color than, no color!    It's a white piece of muslin I  free motion quilted with tricolor thread.

I'm thinking I can somehow put a wash of color on this piece!  

I used this stamp on the screen printed fabric.

 I screen printed this earlier in the winter.  And with a little rubbing it turned out not so bad.

I used  a Gelatos pigment stick rubbed over the stamp for the bright green area.

These next two pictures are the same fabric above but showing areas that I used Neocolor 1 crayons on.

 I wanted a mix of Neocolor 1 crayon and Gelatos pigment stick.

I used Inkense Block on this piece....

Oil Pastel crayon on this one....

And Neocolor 1 crayons on this one.  

I had a rubber stamp with me that I use for rubbings on a narrow strip of fabric.  Again, good testing  using Neocolor 1 crayons as a resist.

Guess we'll see in another week how they work with the inks!


  1. Ohhh! I want to see how you do the alcohol ink washes on that quilted piece. I have been thinking...yes thinking.....about something like that for about two years now.

  2. I love reading about your experiments

  3. I adore how you Play and experiment. Your inks will be extra fun to play with on your fabrics. We should all have Play time! <3

  4. Love your many samples and anxious to see how alcohol inks work on fabric.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!