My Favorite Books

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Finally, I'm able to get back to doing some art work!  Yes, my watercolor lettering is somewhat art least for most in my online's not so much 'art' for's a struggle but I am enjoying it and learning a lot about water color and other drawing tips.  I need all the help I can get!!

Anyway, yesterday I started on my next challenge, A Road Less Traveled, for the Art Quilts Around The World  blog group.  This is all I can show until the reveal on Sept. 30th.  I've got a good start on it so I should make the deadline without any problem...let's hope!

In between time....I ordered some Solar Fast from Dharma last week and it arrived on Thursday.  Solar Fast is a dye you use for printing in the sun...yes, I know SetaColor and even MX dyes work well to sun print with but with this particular dye you can use negatives or transparency paper to print with.

 I've been waiting for this product to come in since Jacquard started posting about it on FB and on their web site!  I'm not going to give my opinion yet...I have one more test to try tomorrow so after that I'll post my results and opinion!  Until are some pics of what I did play with today!

Some of my supplies

One piece 'cooking'!

Another piece cooking!

1 comment:

  1. Solar dye? Sounds way cool. Can't wait to see your results!

    I haven't started my "road" quilt. We studied this poem extensively in an English class in college, so I'm trying to separate the visual from the memory.


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!