Can you tell we started off the evening happy! This is my friend Susan and her husband, Harvey! They'll be headed to Michigan the middle or end of May!
We started the evening off with margarita'a at Verna and Ron's house. It was so nice of Verna to invite everyone over as four of the eight couples are headed back up north by the end of May. It was our last get together for 2011! Verna makes the best margarita! And fed us chips and dip too!
Yes, margarita's are my favorite drink! Verna made her own mix which is REALLY good. I might just give up buying a mix and make up my own. Verna was gracious enough to give me the recipe! As a hostess gift, I made Verna a needle case but guess what! I forgot to take a picture! go figure! I used a metallic green and orange in a honey comb pattern (
Beth Muerr's pattern, of course!).

Tony was our DD for the night, driving us around! Larry and Jan rode with us as well. Thanks, Tony!! You were a good DD!!
And yes, Larry got into trouble as usual! It's a story I won't go into but it consisted of a rock and a toe! 'Nuff said! I did have my Polaroid printer with me so I printed out the picture on the right to give to Jan and Larry! Yes, you had to be there!!

Next we headed off to another great Mexican Restaurant, El Azteca!
They even have a
mariachi band playing through dinner!!

Here are Verna and Ron our hostess and host for the evening! THANK you both for arranging the evening and having us all over!! That was SO nice of them and another evening Bob and I will remember!

This is Jan and Mac! Jan is a wonderful knitter and Mac is a really good golfer! Bob got to golf with him this week and he was really impressed! They too are headed to Michigan this coming Monday!

This is John and Marilyn who always host the St. Patrick's day dinner for 20+ at their house each year. Bob never stops talking about Marilyn's corn beef and cabbage!

This is Pat and Pat!! Yes, it gets confusing but most folks call Pat, Patricia! They are both golfers and I see Patricia walking (fast too by the way!) in addition to her golfing!

This is Carol and our DD for the night, Tony..they too will be leaving Ocala the end of June to spend the summer in Michigan. Bob got to golf lots with Tony this year, which made him quite happy. Tony's a really good golfer and Carol is my shopping buddy! We all had a great time this year! And Carol and I are now "Chico's girls!"..another story!

And this is our landlord(s)! Larry and Jan! Aren't they the sweetest looking couple! Larry and Jan have always made us feel like we are like family. We're going to miss them dearly.
We are so lucky to call each of these couples friends! Just the best folks around and we will miss each of them! But! we'll be back next winter if the 'big guy' above says it's ok!!

This was the Chicken Nacho Bob and I split! It was the best Nacho we've every had. They had cooked onion and peppers along with Fiata chicken on top and so delicious!

Harvey got his meal first and dug right in! El Azetca has such great food I wouldn't wait either!

Verna and Ron dug in as well. Just great food!! What more can I say!

Yes, this is my empty glass...now to watch boob tube, off to bed the up and at it in the a.m. We'll finish packing clothes, do more laundry, take bird cages apart, then off to our last dinner in Ocala. We're meeting Carol, Tony, Peggy and Sammy for one last evening with friends in 2011!