My Favorite Books

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A hole in one!!

My hubby got his 3rd 'hole in one' yesterday! How cool is that! I think it's like winning a blue ribbon or view's choice or something close to that in my world!
This is my 'hole in one'! It's a quilt I made a year or so ago...I pasted the pic from my Flickr page so not sure is will show up very well or if it enlarges when you click on it but you'll get idea.
This is a closeup of the 'hole'. I cut out a smaller circle from another scrap piece and I beaded around the edges then used beads to hang the circle in the hole. This is a quilters hole in one!

I had a comment in my last post on journal quilts from Anne (you have to check out her blog daily! She's not only a wonderful artist but a hoot to boot!). This was Anne's comment to my post:

"Journal quilts are a great size to float on a dark background in a simple frame. They are, in and of themselves, pieces of art.If you have some you really love, consider having them floated. A framer can do it, or with good black foamcore and the right size frame, you can do it yourself.Or have a framer make one frame, then baste them to separate pieces of foamcore and change them out occasionally!They are too nice to hide away.... :)XXOO!!Anne "

What a great idea!! Think I just might give this a try when I get home! Right now I do look at my journal books throughout the year(s) but I just might pick some of my favorites and 'float' them. Thanks again for the suggestion, Anne!!


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!