I mentioned in a post this last month showing a beautiful cyano print fabric one of my friends, Bonnie, made and sent to me! What a lovely surprise! BUT now what to do with it! Decisions, decisions...this is always the hardest part of any art work isn't it!
So, I bit the bullet and started to play around with "what if I cut it up?"....gosh, I hate to cut it up but......
I measured each section then added 3/4" for the 1/4" inserts I wanted. I know...math!!!!
But it worked!

My plan is to sandwich and then stitch in the ditch around each insert. Then to do some hand embroidery work. I may do free motion around some areas as well..in fact, as I'm typing this, I am thinking I may do that before embroidery work...but who knows! Time will tell!
This is looking good, but I sure understand how hesitant you were to take cutting tools to it!