Haven't made much progress on the Cyano print project. Too many distractions...Kalee has had another one of her stomach issues. We were up last weekend from Sunday 4 a.m. until Monday 6 a.m.! UGH...Poor dog...the vet is trying a new approach...when Kalee starts to feel poorly, she is restless, licking her lips (nausea) and vomiting. In the past, she has been treated for pancreatitis, which she has had confirmation of. Because she never loses her appetite, no diarrhea, no belly pain or pancreas symptoms, the vet is now treating her for some type of allergy! I make my own dog food (99% ground turkey/veggies) and she is on Hills' ID kibble. Since I started feeding her this, her stomach issues and no discomfort in pancreas have seemed to decrease...........SO, she's now on anti nausea med (which no vomiting for 2 days) and also on Prednisone for about a week. She appears to be doing much better and we all slept Monday night with no interruptions! Just need to figure out what type of allergy she has. Vet doesn't feel the turkey/veggie mix is it...so process of elimination. UGH
Friday, February 23, 2024
Cyano Print Progress Sorta
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Whitecaps Progress Continues!
So far so good! Don't mind the disheveled look! I had just walked two miles at the church and then another 1/2 mile with the dogs. I just wanted to hold up the top to see how it would look when the piece dried!
This is the start of the 2nd panel...I have quite a way to go but I have to say the pattern is easy to follow AND I only had to rip out a few rows when I got sidetracked! Which is easy for me to do. I usually knit in my sewing room or when there's something on TV that I don't have to follow! HA EXCEPT if the dogs are on my lap/side it can get confusing...they are either up and down of trying to get on my lap. I'll have to take a picture of that situation!
Onward and upward!!
Friday, February 9, 2024
Whitecaps Progress
This is the lace pullover or cover that I started. It's a pattern by DanDoh designs. I love Yumiko's patterns! They are all so feminie and patterns very well written.
I love the red but it's not a color I wear well..I'm more the spring color pallet! HA So I am making in vanilla yarn, which I did purchase from DanDoh. It's a lovely silk yarn.
The only problem I had was getting gauge! I knit tight so normally I have to go up at least one needle size. Also, I'm not used to using a larger needle to knit with this lace type yarn!
You can see these two gauge samples...bottom is my pink sweater gauge swatch I did but using #5 needles..top is using the silk yarn and #10 needle. But with some tips from Yumiko I did get gauge! Woohoo...
Also, I'm using a different circular needle I purchased. This are called ChiaoGoo and they are fantastic! One issue with circular needles is the wire part that twists and turns...ugh...so frustrating and uncomfortable.
On one of the knitting FB pages I follow, someone suggested they use these needles and love them. So off to Amazon to order. I love, love them!! They have a wire steel cable which doesn't bend and twist!
You can see the red wire...so easy to knit with!! My only problem is finding time to knit. I know...what the heck do you do all day, Robbie!!
In between being 'everyday housewife' I do meet up with friends, volunteer at the library, try to walk 2 miles several days a week along with dog walking when weather permits, yada, yada. So my knitting takes a back seat!
I try to knit for an hour a day if possible...usually after dinner before World News with David Muir!
Once blocked you'll see the pattern much better and will look like something! HA
So, that's my story so far! Now that I wasted time updating my blog I think I"ll go and knit!
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Cyano Print Fabric
I mentioned in a post this last month showing a beautiful cyano print fabric one of my friends, Bonnie, made and sent to me! What a lovely surprise! BUT now what to do with it! Decisions, decisions...this is always the hardest part of any art work isn't it!
So, I bit the bullet and started to play around with "what if I cut it up?"....gosh, I hate to cut it up but......

Thursday, February 1, 2024
Whitecaps Knitted Pattern
Well, Easter is right around the corner, right! So I'm hoping I can finish this top by then. I can always brighten up the white by wearing a bright color camisole under it. I wear a lot of black so black will look good too! Now to finish it!
This is a pattern by Yumiko Alexander (Ravelry) called Whitecaps. It's a fairly easy pattern but finding the time to make the top is a real challenge for me. Hard to knit at night if dogs are on my lap...so I have to hide in the sewing room and have dogs on the table in front of me! HA
The red is adorable but I just don't look good in red. You can see all the different tops others have knitted in beautiful colors. I'll stick with 'vanilla' for now...who knows....I might make another one! HA