This was the finished layout of my dye dog #3
I started to play around with how to quilt the piece. I taped together some tracing paper and laid on top of the quilt. That gave me some ideas on how to quilt it.

It's rather hard to see, but after I sandwiched and stitched in the ditch, I started to free motion horizonal lines alternating rose and turquoise threads.
The white circles are a disappearing pen that I used to mark out some circles. I'm planning on hand stitching quite a lot on this piece....the color and quilt look a tad rough but it does look good in person!
I was going to try and show a technique for tying threads from the top...I don't remember which quilting professional showed this but I love it. Hope my pics and explanation make sense. Keeps those knots from showing up on the back of your quilt and are hidden on the front!
You need to pull your bobbin thread to your quilt top and tie in a surgeon (over/under). Or just make a knot! HA
Taking any size needle and 1 piece of sewing thread, thread your needle and keep a loop at the bottom. Make sense??
Put your bobbin and top thread through the loop......
Now take your needle back into where your top and bobbin threads are and slip through the batting and backing.....and come back up to the top of your quilt.
Now pull your needle through and both top and bobbin threads will appear! By having your quilting threads in the loop, you'll pull the threads easily to the top! All you do is cut the thread....
This is the back of the quilt and you can't see any knots or threads...a little dog hair or is it my hair! HA
And this is the bobbin or top threads show! Hope this makes sense and if you have seen this and know who has shown this method, please let me know. Wish I could remember!!!
Stay tuned...I will take this quilt with me to hand stitch while in Ohio. My daughter is taking her knitting as is my sister. I'm still working on a gauge swatch to determine which size needle I'm using on a new post. Think any of us will get any hand work done with 11 in a household...HA HA HA