I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted but I do have several 'excuses' to provide! HA First off, I was working on the 12"x12" challenge quilts that are due to be in the mail by October 12th. There's a bit of hand work on these as well as I changed my design that I started back in the spring. Can't post pics yet until they are sent out so you'll have to take my word I was working on projects.

Then, 10 days ago I had a slight setback on hand work! A few weeks ago I posted some of my favorite things. One of which was the Fullstar Veggie Cutter, which I loved and still love! BUT...I decided I was going to make fried cabbage and thought I'd use the cutter. Well, certain veggies, which are too hard, shouldn't be put in the cutter. How do I know this! Well, the cabbage got stuck and I decided I would poke the remaining pieces though the slots. And what better tool to use then your thumb! NOT! I tried for almost 48 hours before heading to Urgent Care but had to get stitches. They are right under my nail, which was really awkward for putting in stitches but the doctor did a good job. Getting those buggers out today, thank goodness. It's been so hard to hand embroider of do anything really. I keep hitting the thumb, which makes it feel SO good!

I have been keeping busy with reorganizing! My daughter got me hooked on the Netflix show called 'Get Organized' by The Home Edit (a team of two). I got hooked just as I did watching 'Tidying Up' by Marie K. (I did this reorganizing over a year ago). So what to do instead of sewing....yep..purge and reorganize!
My sewing/textile/beading books are organized by color now! It does look really nice...not showing up here but it does look cool! Great idea for kids so they put books back by color since they can't all read to know by title or author!
I have reorganized my wet room downstairs often but this is the most efficient. I put the lifts under my card table (middle) to raise it up! DUH! and I moved some shelving I had to put my books under the card table. Now they are more accesible!
Table is open!
One tip The Home Edit group suggested was to put your sandals away for the winter in a container. I happen to have one shoe box, which held a few sandals but I had four pair left...SO, I grabbed my Meijer wine bag (which I have many! HA) and the sandals fit perfect and sit ontop of the shoe box on a top shelf!
My jewelry used to sit on the bottom shelf in my cabinet, which took up lots of space. I cleared out the shelf in our walk in closet and Bob gave me this tray to use! Works so much easier. I already had items, bracelets, earrings, etc. separated so all I had to do was place them!
I love this tip! Roll your scarves into "donuts" (The Home Edit word not mine!). Works so much easier to see in your drawer!
My spice cabinet! I've had the bottom left shelf and didn't change that but added the turntable on the right, which is perfect! So easy to find all my spices! And, yes, I do have a lot of spices but I use them too! I love to cook and try new recipes.
The wood block with spices is a gift my son made me many, many years ago! He does beautiful wood work! I'll have to show a table he made, which we have in our family room. Too bad he doesn't have the time to keep up this talent!
The only difference in this cabinet is the 3rd shelf. It holds my shawls, that I don't have any where to wear them!, but used to hold my jewelry trays.
That last shelf holds my books I read in bed at night and pics of family!
You can see where the jewelry area is sitting now. I didn't change a lot in this area other than removing sandals and putting laundry hamper under the shelf. I won't post pic of Bob's side of the walk in! It's tidy but FULL! Hubby has 20+ pairs of shoes and probably twice that number in shirts and at least that amount of pants. Yep...he loves his clothes and, I have to admit, he does always looks very nice.
I just placed items I don't use often in a bin at the back. Cleaning supplies I use often are in a separate bin. I had an old, old 12" turntable that I put my dish soap, dishwasher soap, etc. on. SO easy to reach items now.
So even with a bum thumb (hmmmm new word!) I have been busy. Hope to get back to finishing up the hand embroidery and even some knitting by middle of October!