My Favorite Books

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Where I've been...what I've been doing!

As usual, it's been busy here in has turned and it's sunny and warm...personally, I don't mind the cooler Florida weather.  In fact, I could have it cool year round...not a fan of hot weather...but then not a fan of cold/snowy weather!  guess we're never happy are we!

First off, yes, I'm still cooking with my instant pot!  I bought this book for $8 (no shipping) on Amazon and made Urvashi's Butter Chicken dish, which was delicious!!!   I didn't take a pic of our meal but you can see the butter chicken on the cover of the book. good!

That actually was the last meal I cooked since we've been eating out twice a week, having leftovers from my Instant Pot meals or just leftovers from eating out.  I don't want to have tons of food in the freezer and that's about where I'm at right now. So leftovers it is!

I had some buds to the house for  some beading a week or so ago.  We had a really fun day and I'll be posting some of Beth's work she brought for show and tell in another post.  We plan on doing some playing with tyvek in another week.  Looking forward to that.
Nancy and Beth being good students!

Why, yes, we had to had some sweets!

This week I  headed south to visit with my sister and Nancy, and, as always, had a great time.  It's always lots of laughs with both of them...and especially trying to show my sister how to knit using the Portuguese knitting method!
One year we did arm that was a hoot!  HA  You can see that post here from that was funny!  Of course, we went out to eat at a really unique Italian restaurant that was fantastic!  Dishes were huge and they even put a platter of bow tie pasta with sauce and a platter of seasoned carrots and beans on the table for everyone!  I could have eaten the entire plate of veggies!  But my chicken dish was so good I had to portion my food!  HA
My sis, me and Nancy!  I was sitting on my knees...I'm short but not that short!

One of the pasta dishes

My dish...yum, yum, yum

I asked for oil for my bread and they gave us a bowl with oil and pesto that was fantastic!

I am back knitting the scarf from H__L....which, actually, is getting easier since I got my cubics needles...they do make a difference.  And, as I mentioned or didn't mention...I'm not making Valentine fiber cards this year BUT I did mail out something this year!  It's been good taking a year off from making 50 cards...I thought it was more than that because I got my Christmas card list mixed up with my fiber cards.  I only need to make  50 and now I have some ideas for next year!'s good to take some time off from art work!


  1. Glad you are having fun down there. I love my Instant Pot too. I have used a pressure cooker for 40+ years. I was thinking of buying an electric one when someone posted about the Instant Pot. It's an amazing invention!
    xx, Carol

  2. You are having waaaaay too much fun! Good for you :-)

  3. The Italian place looks fantastic. Glad you enjoyed your visit. That's some good concentration from your beading students. Guess they knew they'd earn a cupcake!

  4. I'm so ready to get an Insta Pot...been reading good things about it....Everything looks so yummy...especially the Italian food...glad you're having fun and I like cooler weather also...We moved out of Florida because of the heat.

  5. Handwork with friends is a wonderful way to spend time. Eating with friends is a wonderful way to spend time. And of course spending time with your Sister is very wonderful. Living the Good Life suits you perfectly my friend. Your fiber postcards will be missed this year however you are smart to take a break. <3


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!