Today was the Warped Weavers meeting!
And to greet us at the door today was!!! OK, the eyes look a little strange but that's due to the
photographer and not the dog! He's a sweetheart! Thanks to Betty for hosting us today at the weaver's meeting.
It was so much fun to see all the ladies again! They are so much fun and are so sharing of information and providing inspiration!
Betty showed 3 books on Zentangles! For those who aren't familiar, this is a fancy name for doodling and Betty is hooked. She even has a large zipper case with all her pens and papers to take with her at a moments notice! This is a very relaxing technique and very creative at the same time!

These are two woven pieces that Betty brought for show and tell. They are so delicate and soft. Just beautiful!

But my favorite piece that Betty made is below. I've mentioned to several of my fiber friends a woven piece that Betty did several years ago. She was/is considering making a purse out of this piece, but I think it would just make a perfect shawl. I love the pattern and the colors. I remember when Betty started this piece at
Cracker Days a few years ago. I just wanted everyone to see the piece that I talk about often.

Caryl has been busy taking an online class from
Joggles.com . She actually made this to give to her daughter for a present. Isn't she cool! Check out the horse! The entire piece was made from foam and paper mache.

I think Caryl did a wonderful job and check out all the detail on the lady! I wonder if she'll give it back to her daughter!
Caryl also brought the project that we'll be making at our February meeting. She'll be sending out the supply list but start saving your old envelopes ahead of time!

We had a new member today, Marilyn from Ocala. Actually, Marilyn was Pat K.'s show and tell today!
Check out some of the pieces that Marilyn brought!

You should be able to click on the pics below to see some more of Marilyn's pieces. I tired to put them in panorama to save on space.

Very nice work!

And Mary has not been sitting around eating bon bons! Knitting and felting has kept her busy!! The pic on the left is a felted cell phone case. And the piece on the right is rightly named "an ear bra"! Go figure!

Yep, the pieces above were all made by Mary! busy lady, right!
The piece on the right was a gift by Pat McL's sister (or was it SIL?). Anyway, she's just starting to weave! What a nice gift!
And our very own Queen Of Purple, brought some show and tell but they weren't purple! hmmmm Must be those little rug rats are finally getting to her. In fact, I didn't hear how many more days she has until she retires! This is a quilled sheep Jan received as a gift. It's really cute!

And this is a paper snowflake?? At least that's what it looked like to me. I think they made a smaller version of this at last month's meeting. Cool isn't it! It's made up of six pieces of paper.

Our very own Theo made these very pretty gloves. They're a gift for her grand daughter up north. So delicate!

For those weavers not at the meeting, you can see what I brought by clicking
here to see my doodles;
here to see the small quilted bag and
here to see my Bead Journals from 2010 (minus my Dec. tree, which should be finished by next month).
All in all we had a great day of show and tell, food and great conversation! It was really nice to be back in the 'fold' again!
Temp was 68 on my way home from the meeting and is suppose to remain the same for the next few days so Bob's happy! As long as I don't have snow outside my window I'm happy!