My Favorite Books

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Gelli Prints What Are They Good For!

 In my last post I showed the Christmas cards I'm making using Strathmore Photo Cards.  I wanted to show some other ways you can make your own cards.  

In 2023 I made some cyano printed watercolor sheets, which I cut up and inserted in these cards.  I still will send these out just as a 'hello' card to friends.

Gelli prints or painted poster board are also great for cutting up and inserting into the photo frame to make a card. 

You can purchase the photo frame cards online...guess where!  HA  Yep, on Amazon!  Where else.  

I showed in the last week or so, some gelli prints I made.  These (the 3 at top of the page) are perfect to cut out and also insert in the photo frame.  Just a nice way to send a special card to a friend or even to just an acquaintance. 

Also, Lisbeth Degn has some video's on using your printed/gelli prints.  She has a cool way of folding the papers to make a book!  So that's what I'm doing.  I have lots of printed/gelli papers I made in Hilary's online class.  I'm excited to have them all in one spot vs in a bin!

You can see the papers are all together!  It's a cool way to keep these beauties together!  

And that's what you can do with your Gelli or printed papers!


  1. I get my photo framed cards from Dick Blicks. Blicks has many wonderful art goodies for almost every kind of craft and art


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!