My Favorite Books

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

A few finished projects!

Still trying to make sure I do some type of art work or sewing or whatever daily!  I may not reach my goal 7 days a week but I'll be happy to just have a few days of making some type of accomplishments!  

My friend was looking at buying a little bag for her great grand daughter's teen BD.  I couldn't see her buying a tiny little bag for over $10 so I said I could make one for her.  Heaven knows I have tons of quilts or vests to cut up!  Donna said she likes blues so I found one piece I had already quilted and leftover hand dyed fabric that I quickly quilted up.

Trying to find the right binding was harder than picking out the fabric.  HA  I bought this fabric years ago while in Florida with my Q Bud, Susan.  I've used most of it up but had some pieces leftover.  BUT...I couldn't decide if I wanted the binding to match or....

not match!   I decided I liked the 'not' matching better!  Just added more to the thought!

I had some pretty purple floral print for the inside of the bag.

So this was the finished little tote.  It's 8"x6".

And I found in my stash a little silver heart to add to the zipper pull.  It looks gold here but it's really silver. 

Now to hope the teen likes it!  Have to run...I'm taking time out of my 'hour' to do art work!


  1. Nice bag and the heart is the perfect touch. I gifted the class of Linda/Laura to a friend for Christmas. It's a fun one. And I forgot to mention- how disappointing that the sweater shrunk and you have to re-make it! (from your other post)


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!