My Favorite Books

Monday, January 20, 2025

Gelli Print Time

 Yep, it's Gelli Print time again in the house!  I've been watching some video's by Lisbeth Degan on YouTube.  She is a Mixed Media and Textile artist from Denmark!  WOW...check out some of her work on Instagram here  and on her youtube channel.  

I've been so inspired this new year with all of the wonderful artists out there.  Hard to decide what to do next!  So, I have about 4 or 5 projects that I am working on or starting!!!  First up is playing with my gelli printing again.  I only made six 8"x10" and eight 3"x5" prints.  

Hard to see but I used a heavy piece of brown paper squished up and tapped on the painted gelli print.  You have to enlarge the picture to see the pattern.  Lisbeth was using some used foil pretzel or coffee bags that she cleaned out then heat with heat gun.  She got some cool prints.  I just used some paper scrunched up.

The one on the left doesn't seem like much but the center will be good for collage work.  

And the smaller ones will work good for cards.

The print on the right was my paper to wipe off my roller with.  This print had too much white on it so what else to do but use leftover paint and roll on top.
The left one was using two colors and the scrunched up papers.

I already made a card to mail from one of the smaller prints.  Hence, there are only 3 small prints left.  

I like the larger print too.  Again, enlarge to see the detail.  I think it reminds me of pictures of icicles!  

"So what are you doing with these, Robbie" you're asking yourself.  Stay tuned.  They're going into a journal I'm making.  

And I'm also working on Lisbeth's Stitched Circle Weekly Challenge.  More on that later this week!


  1. So interesting Robbie! I watched some of Lizbeth’s You Tube doing Gelli prints with her crumpled foils!

    1. That was me (first comment)! I forgot to change the posters name


Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!