My Favorite Books

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas 2024

We had a wonderful, fun Christmas Eve with the kids.  And we ate way...way...way too much!  But worth every bite!  I know I'm missing some of the pics but you get the idea!  

We had more laughs this year than I can remember from the past.  It was a hoot and I love spending time with my kids!!!!

We missed Bob's kids/grands but we did get to Zoom with all but Ian and Talissa!!  We'll have to do a New Year's Zoom with them!


My kids!!!!  Love them so much.  They decided we wouldn't do pics in front of the tree this year!  something different!  HA

Darrin"s family!

Dawn and Jeff!  

Dawn gave me this beautiful centerpiece.  There are cally lilies in it!  Lovely!

Yes, we never want more food..and I didn't even put all the pics of the appeptizers out that we had!  Girls even brought both of their air fryers so we could have cooking all done at the same time!

Kris gave Dawn and I each a huge basket, which she called A Thank You basket!  In mine was:  salted, dark, chocolate, caramel candy, two bottles of wine, some bath soaps, a pair of slippers, a beautiful candle and a lovely, soft, white throw!  Such a unique idea and a wonderful gift!  Kris and Dawn are both so thoughtful!!!

These are Kris' famous sugar cookies!  She said the recipe is from her grand mother,  Nancy (Kris' mom) makes the dough and Kris cuts out/bakes/decorates the cookies.  They are the best cookie ever!!!!  Not sure what's in the recipe but they are awesome!

I also forgot to take a picture of Dawn's homemade Cannoli's!  She makes the fried pastry dough and the sweet cream cheese filling!  They are delicious.  Bob and I shared one last night! 


Nick and Braylon.  Nick has had a cold for awhile and just wasn't up to par...I text him today and he said he's feeling better...took some of his sister's meds!!!  Yikes!!!  But guess they helped!

I forget the name of the bakery Dawn gets this bread from.  It's sour dough and delicious!  She also gave me a fabric wax bread bag to keep the bread fresh in!  I don't think I'll need it much since Bob and I eat bread at every meal.  HA  

We had some Christmas Day for our late/breakfast at noon!  And again this a.m. with our cereal!  SO GOOD!  

As are all so blessed with our lives and health.  It was a wonderful time with family...hope everyone has a fantastic 2025!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Cyano Print asking to be completed!


Back in January, yes - January!, I started playing around with a piece of cyano print my friend, Bonnie sent me.   Had a decent start but then got sidetracked with knitting...go figure! 

 I played with it on and off starting around the summer.  I cut the piece apart and inserted some red fabric.  

Then I got the crazy idea to add some hex pieces...why?  Why not! HA  I don't honestly know why I deceided to add the hex pieces...I would make some when I wasn't knitting or frustrated by the knitting is more the truth!  HA

You can see all the different ways I was trying to get the hexes into this piece here! 

So now that my latest knitting project is finished and I haven't found another top to make, I've been working on this piece again!  Woohoo!  So here's what I've been up to!!!

I had stitched hexes onto the main fabric seam but needed to decide how to attach them to a border.  

I took some fusible web and place behind the hexes
and then just fused them onto a border.

After they were fused,  I added batting and and backing.  Then I machine stitched around the hexes on all sides.

I did the same for each border....

I know the blue border blends in with the blue hexes but gives it a disjointed look!  HA

I started to do some hand stab stitching around the leaves.  

I tried stab stitching around the edges of the leaves but I didn't like that.  So, I ripped it out and just stitched around the leaves filling in blank areas. So this is what it will be.  

I may free motion some of the leaves...who knows...I may finish before next year!  

Now for my sister and I to try and find another knitting pattern to work on this winter!!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving 2024


Yes, we all have a lot to be thankful for!  Our health, our friends and most important our family!  Bob and I were lucky to be with some of our family today to celebrate.  Darrin and Kris have Thanksgiving dinner every year.  Dawn makes Thanksgiving dinner to take to Jeff's Sister and her husband each year.  Dawn gets the turkey and all the fixings made at home then hauls them to her other family.  A very sweet gesture each year!  

We did have a great dinner as usual!  As you'll see in pics below.  And I finished my lace top to wear today!  And you didn't think I would finish did you!  HA  I sure didn't!

Darrin carved the turkey this year. He watched a Youtube on carving.  He did a great job!!!  And the turkey was SO good!
Yep..had to take a pic before all the food was out!  I had seconds.  Kris makes the best mashed potatoes!  I can make a meal on those alone!  And the dark turkey gravy was SO delicious!

Turkey legs...not my fav!

Just some family waiting for the call to dinner!

Kris sets a beautiful table and we each had a place card!  Even Kris had one that said "myself"!  HA

It takes a village to cut the turkey!  Kris' mom, Kris and Darrin.  Darrin watched a YouTube on carving the turkey.  He did a great job too!

Yes, we had appetizers before dinner!  Who doesn't!  HA

I made two lemon pies. I left one with the kids and we took one home.  Bob and I each had a piece and now it's time to relax and finish watching more football.  Lions did win today but it wasn't pretty!!!  They got lucky...but a win is a win!

So now it's time to relax, think about Christmas coming and decorations that are calling to be put out!  

Sunday, November 24, 2024

And you thought I ran away from home.

 I am still here!  The past few months have been so appts, library volunteering, book and bake sale and just normal everyday Susie Homemaker!

My knitting has taken a backseat but at times, just as well!  I was struggling to finish the back of my knitted project.  Muscle memory kept wanting to knit the front...hmmmm  Long story...that doesn't work well.  I had to rip out more rows than I could keep count of.  BUT...I finished all the knitting and just have to seam the shoulders and seams.  WOO HOO!  You can see some of my attempts starting this piece here.

Bob has had struggles with his cataract surgery.  He had both eyes done in the spring but ended up with scar tissues they had to use laser to remove. He finally got through that and has new glasses, which he can or doesn't have to use.  He is finally not complaining about not being able to see!  Good for him.

The past month he has had two moles removed...he previously had biopsy done on both last year but with everything else doing on he postponed getting them removed.  That occurred this month so he's good to go and relieved to have the buggers gone.  One was on his neck and the other under his ear on his cheek area.

So now we're semi back to normal!!  Thanksgiving is this week and Darrin and Kris are hosting as usual.  Dawn and Jeff go to his family (Dawn makes turkey/fixings to take) as they have for several years.  Jeff doesn't get much time with his sister/hubby so this is a nice time to be with them.  And before we know it, Christmas will be here!!!!  I am not ready...I do have some gifts for the great grands but otherwise...nothing...and I still have to get in the mood to get out decorations!  It will happen!  

Happy Thanksgiving to any readers I still have out there!!!!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another knitting project!

This is Yumiko!  Isn't she the cutest!!!


Yep!  I'm at it again!  I think I just like to torture myself or tax my little brain!  I do so love Yumiko Alexander's patterns.  Her tops are so comfy to wear with a T or even a turtle neck.  So far I've made two - Whitecaps and Agave.  So figured I'd do another one....isn't the saying 'all good things come in threes'??  Or did I just make that up!  Regardless, this is the pattern I am working on (and I use the term 'working on' loosely!).  

I knitted Whitecaps in white and Agave in navy (Pacific Blue).  This is lavender in Silk+.  I like the light shade of purple and think it will look good - after I find a nice necklace to go with it!  Which I may have!  Read below what I found!

I started winding my yarn like a good little knitter! Yep, still using my antique thread storage unit.  It works so good.   HA  

I then marked my pattern for the size I wanted.  Yes, I did struggle, as usual, getting the right gauge but I finally decided on size #8 needle.

And I was on a roll!  Until I wasn't!  Yikes!  The pattern is well written, as are all Yumiko's patterns.  My problem was counting the stitches for each of the rows (you go between 188-190 - one row increased and next row decreased).  

The yarn is quite thin and my problem was either not counting all the stitches or ????  I struggled so much.  When I got up to row 22 I had to rip it all out!  I had a mess.

So I cast back on 188 stitches and started over, again!

The lace work is quite nice but I had another struggle with rows 17-56!  Seemed easy enough but going back and forth between previous rows was difficult for me to keep track what to do!

Create a cheat sheet!  Works for me!  I'm on a roll now and up to row 28!

And so far so good!!!  Whew!  It still takes me a long time after finishing each row to count and make sure the row I'm on is either 188 or 190 stitches.  Sometimes I count 193! and other times 184...who knew...stitches get twisted, etc.  But I keep counting until I get it right!  HA

Now about a necklace for this top!  I follow a jewelry maker on FB  named Sheryl Stephens.  Her FB page is called Cool Moon Creation and Beads.  I really like Sheryl's work as each piece is very unique.   She will post pictures of her finished pieces (as well as some in progress!)  on her personal FB page as well as her business site (which I have linked above).   I thought this necklace was so lovely and would look good with my knitted top(s)  so I purchased it!  Woohoo!  And I think it might look good when I finish this top. 

I love the little wings and the necklace chain is gold.  It is so pretty!  You have to check out Sheryl's FB page.  She really does quality work and  her jewelry is unique!  Thanks, Sheryl!!

So back to knitting!!!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Nick's 21st BD Book!

 Yep, Nick's 21st book is all finished!  Whew!  And I have time to spare since his BD isn't until 9/26!  I put the pictures in a video file.  At least this way, when I'm in the nursing home, I can look at my blog and see the video!  Let's hope I can remember how to find it!  HA 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Summer Project #3 Finished

I finally finished all the hand embroidery on Dawn's surprise's for her BD in September (20th) so I'm quite happy it's finished  and with weeks to spare!  I told Dawn I was making something for her BD that was: 1) not beaded, 2) not knitted and 3) not quilted!  HA
It measures around 15" x 48"

Before I show individual pics, I want to give a shout out to Nancy, a textile bud from Florida, for a great suggestion!  I was drawing the designs I wanted to hand embroider on the linen, which works ok...but the chalk or pencil either fads off or I need to remove the lines to change the design. 

 Nancy sent me an email and asked if I ever used Stick'nStitch by Sulky.  She mentioned you can print any design on the paper then just lay/stick on your project and stitch away!

Of course, I had to order and try this suggestion!  I was quite happy with how easy it was to print out and stitch!  Stitching for the most part wasn't that bad.  I use Chenille needles and #5 Perle Cotton yarn for embroidery, so I did use pliers to pull the thread through a few times, but it really wasn't that bad.  I'd use this transfer paper again for this type of project and I'm sure I'll find other uses for it as well.

  A big THANK YOU, Nancy, for the suggestion.  If you don't know Nancy's blog, do take a few minutes and pop over!  She does so many mixed media & quilting projects.  Nancy always comes up with something new that she shares with her groups and blog readers!  

The black linen doesn't show up very well in the pictures.....nor do the threads...

The blue is a turquoise that is so bright and pretty.  I tried to use it a lot in the piece.

Again, lavender center and the greens are so much brighter in person.  

I need to talk with my daughter, the photographer!, how to adjust on my phone.  I know it has something to do with 'white' something!  HA

I did french knots for flower center

Lots of lavender, bright greens....but you get the idea!

I'm happy with the butterflies...again...color is sad.

Will I make another one?  Who knows...I have my first example piece I started so I may finish it or who knows!

Now on to my next knitting project.  Nick's book is all done and I'll post pics of it later.  I'm happy with that project as well.  Only have the Cyano print project #2,  left to finish, which I work on from time to time.  Still making hexes!  

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Just being lazy!

Our hostess, Tiffany, my sister & her dog, Piper and
our host, Mitchell (my sisters grandson).

 Honestly, those who know me know I am busy's the old 'catholic' guilt that keeps us moving and busy vs sitting around eating bon-bons and watching TV!  HA  Anyway, this post is on my 2nd year of visiting with my sister and her kids (my nieces and nephew!) in Ohio!  I had such a good time again but I did miss my daughter!  She's traveling with her job and really couldn't make that trip and get ready for her job.

I drove the 4+ hours alone listening to my audio book (Found Money by James Grippando).  I like his mystery books...think I've read almost all of them!  Had my water and I made a stop at Culver's to get a chocolate malt shake, which was delicious!  

My nephew, Michael

I arrived Friday afternoon and my sister and the gang were already there.  We got to enjoy a relaxing afternoon, had pizza for dinner and they played out door games!  Volleyball, corn hole and badminton!  I haven't seen Michael, my nephew, in 10 years and probably 10 years before that.  My sister has a home they built on Michael's property so it's nice she can be with Michael months at a time.  He's a great guy and so much fun to be around.

This is Leigh Ann, my sister's middle child, I think!  She and Michael are about 11 months apart!  She lives in Penna.  with her wonderful hubby, David!  He's as delightful as Leigh is.  They are such a loving couple!  Leigh is also the mother of our host, Mitchell!  He was raised well and is such a great guy!  He and his wife opened up their beautiful home to us last July and again this year.  The best host and hostess around!

My sis and I!  It does make it easier for me, at least, to head to Ohio vs Florida or Tennessee!  MaryAnn and Nancy have a home in both states and stay in Tennessee until August timeframe...then they head back to Florida for the winter.  

I do miss being able to see her multiple times as I did for over 13 years when we would winter in Florida.  But at least we get to see each other in person.  and of course, we're always texting or working on knitting projects together!!!
this this, Lynn (although I call her Dianna Lynn!)...she was the first grand baby in our family!  Her BD is July 4th and I still remember my mum and I at the hospital waiting for her birth!  Only problem, back in those days, early 60's, no restaurants at the hospital were open...I don't think we even found a vending machine.  I do remember being hungry!  HA

Lynn also lives in Florida a few hours from my sister.  She and her hubby have at least 18 in their family!  Their children and their children's children!!  They are a wonderful family and dedicate their life to Jesus and helping others with missionary work and assisting with vaccines in countries were needed.  Lynn and her hubby, Bob, are both pharmacists.  Bob is also a preacher.  A great family...

This is Nancy, my sister's partner, and Zion!  Zion is Mitchell and Tiff's little boy and he is a delight!  He's not even 3 but can carry on a conversation with you like he's 5!  He's such a pleasant little toddler...goes down for his nap without a fuss and goes to bed the same way!  

And Nancy is fun too!  I have a video of her trying to get out of the little house but I won't show it here.  She's a good sport!

Saturday we went downtown, Dublin, for their open air market!  They had to have over 30 or 40 vendors!  They just kept coming and coming!

Lots of unique foods, crafts, etc.  And I didn't buy anything!  Who knew!

And my nieces, nephew and grand nephew/niece!

Tiffany & Mitchell, David & Leigh, Michael and Lynn!  they are all such wonderful, caring and giving adults!  So proud of them all and look forward to seeing them again next year!  I hope!

We went to The Pearl restaurant in Dublin for dinner on Saturday.  Meal was delicious...and this drink Mitchell ordered had a little army man in it!  

I should have paid attention to the name of the drink.

So, another year has passed and now back to normal Betty Crocker, cleaning lady, quilter, sewer, etc.!