I know I shouldn't be starting on this technique but I couldn't help myself. I've followed
Kim Herringe on FB & Instagram for sometime and always thought her Cyano prints on paper were beautiful. There are several others that I've followed their blogs over the years as well. I've printed on fabric years ago by purchasing pretreated pieces of fabric with Cyano chemicals. They worked fine but no real exciting prints. So I signed up for Kim's online class. It's one you do at your own pace and I believe info/videos are good for a year. Her info is presented quite well with videos and pdf's and tips along the way!
These were some attempts I did years ago! I don't even remember when I did them.
Not enough sun time on the first print, all these are on fabric. I used a negative of my mum from back in the mid 70's!
Yes, that was a foot x-ray! My neighbor, Lynn, moved out west but left the x-ray behind. I asked if she wanted me to mail it and she said no. So what else to do with it!! Use it, right! HA Again, these were all on fabric using purchased pretreated fabric.
In Kim's class we are mixing chemicals, which I purchased on Amazon (1st pic on this post). I already had some watercolor paper so after watching our class lessons, at least 3 times!, I got busy mixing chemicals and preparing the watercolor paper.
Only problem, with our spring in Michigan still being winter on some days, I couldn't find any foliage to use as printing material. Next best thing was using a stencil, lace and some weeds from the yard waste bag!

You may recognize my tree stencil (yes, my dye dog is finished and I'll be posting in another day or two the results of that project!).
I didn't let this paper sit long enough...I forgot to set the timer and thought...must be enough time, right! Wrong..but it's still an ok print. This paper is 11"x14".
On the left is a piece of lace I had. I wasn't sure if the ultra violet rays could print onto the paper! Pic on right is the lace laying on top of the chemical treated paper.
This is only a 5"x7" piece of watercolor paper but it did turn out! Who knew!
1st pic are some weeds I cut off our trees...2nd pic is piece sitting outside in the sun and 3rd is after the 5 min. of sun bathing were up. It's also before I washed out the chemicals from the paper.
And final results! Pretty cool, right!
Left is piece sitting outside, right is finished/washed out paper. |
I'm quite happy with this piece as well. I plan on cutting these up and using when I send out cards.
While on our walk Friday, my bud, Donna, spotted some dried weeds for me to take home. So, here's the weeds I printed with today! I'll share the final pics in my next post (after the dye dog final pic!).