Well, the first news is Bob's hip replacement has loosened up at the distal (thigh) area!! Not good at all. He had a bone scan on Monday and Dr.'s office called yesterday with results. Of course, Bob was golfing! so I got the news first. They will call back today to tell us what/when/how they will correct this but it will require surgery again.
Yesterday I started a peyote bracelet for a gift and I'm making up my own pattern! Who knew! The bracelet is a little over one inch wide and I think will turn out quite nice.
I have to show pics of my Amaryllis plants I bought in Florida this year. I bought two more bulbs to add to the one I bought in 2010. There are five blooms on this plant already!! isn't it beautiful!
You can see the other blooms on the plant and the other plant on the right which is just starting to grow. My plant from 2010 is behind this pot and it is growing. I think the flower won't come up for another month but it is growing! I'm really excited about these bulbs making it back from the 2 1/2 day ride from Florida to Michigan.
I am sorry about Bob's hip replacement. How does that happen? I don't know that much about these types of things. A friend of mine had a problem with hers when her niece sat on her lap or rather jumped up on her lap.............