My Favorite Books

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

What's new?


First up, the latest news on our great grand baby, Declan!  As of late this afternoon, they did remove the breathing tube from his surgery  yesterday to repair his heart issues with a balloon, which worked great, but then they identified another area of restriction of a smaller area where they placed a stent.  Lots going on for a 3 day old baby!

Mom and dad are frazzled for sure but they are hanging in there.  Children's Hospital in Cincinnati has been awesome.  They are all in good hands!

He weighed in at 7lb 3 oz.  But I'm sure he's lost quite a bit of weight since last Friday!  So hard to see a baby go through this but good that he won't remember any of it!

My wrist is doing great...some residual twinges in my left palm and wrist but I just wear a compression wrap and it feels better.  Until I hit it or try to lift a dog!  HA  Easy procedure and looking forward to having the right hand done in October! 

We keep seeing a cardinal at the Oriole jelly feeder!  I know folks won't believe me but I'll get a video one of these days.  He's there in the a.m. and while we have dinner.  I just forget to have my phone/camera handy to get a good picture! 

I keep trying to get a picture of his beak in the jelly!  No luck yet!

Today I got this picture of him on the 2nd jelly dish!  He does get chased away by the house finches!  What a scary bird he is...but guess he knows he's not suppose to be eating jelly!  HA

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Had to put Word Verification back in! Getting strange messages!!!